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  1. Darth Andy

    Internet Calendar Subscriptions.pst bloating file size....

    I hate to be a 'me too', but I just found out that mine was 20 Gig! (Outlook reports the size as a few Meg) Deleting the Internet Calendar Subscriptions.pst file seems to do the job as a workaround, but it shouldn't be getting anywhere near that size :-( Internet calendar is Google
  2. Darth Andy

    Reminders don't pop up and stay hidden in background

    I posted this before, but no-one appears to have noticed ;-) You can use VB to give you an on-top pop-up: Private Sub Application_Reminder(ByVal Item As Object) If TypeOf Item Is AppointmentItem Then MsgBox "There's a reminder! Click OK to see it", vbSystemModal...