
  1. K

    Need to convert .mmf file to .pst format

    Hello! I have some (obviously) outdated .mmf files created when Microsoft Mail was in use. I'd like to find some way to convert these to .pst format so that I can access the contents. I am looking for some utility or help to accomplish this. There are contents that are sentimental and otherwise...
  2. Microfiche

    Migration from Office 2016 H&B to Office 365

    We are in the process of migrating a number of users from Outlook 2016 home & business (using Office 365 Business Essentials) to Office 365 Business Premium. Our internet bandwidth is not the best, and our email databases are larger, so I was hoping to keep the OST files so we don't have to...
  3. T

    Compacting Outlook 2010 OST results in old emails being re-sent

    Hello Diane and fellow readers, I have a customer running outlook 2010, connected to an offsite company exchange server, and I am compacting the OST now. The customer's OST file is 45GB!! Hence compacting is still running as I write this, 18 hours later. The customer reported to me this...
  4. M

    10 Imap gmail accounts into OL2016-32b want 1 calendar

    Hi Diane, I am about to reset clean install my win10-64bit OS and also new (hopefully cleaner and more automated) IMAP Office365/Outlook2016-32bit (no exchange). I have roughly 10 gmail accounts (4-5 of those are primary use email accounts) My primary issue is two fold: 1) i would like just...