Recent content by Tobby84

  1. T

    Random problem in VBA macro

    Hello, i don't understand because i played it like 15x times to test with three lines in the file ligne1.txt and so on. and got the three possibilities. So the first text is written. I have the c:\outlook\ligne1.txt with "quote 1" "quote 2" "quote 3" inside. And playing this little code for...
  2. T

    Random problem in VBA macro

    Hello, thanks you Michael Bauer while posting my problem i kept trying to find a solution and modifying : Do Until EOF(1) ReDim Preserve lines(numLines + 1) Input #1, lines(numLines) numLines = numLines + 1 Loop by this: Do Until EOF(1) numLines = numLines + 1 ReDim Preserve...
  3. T

    Random problem in VBA macro

    Hello, i am creating a VBA macro which is called by an Outlook rule. I am trying to insert 3 random quotes in an Outlook model where %Ligne1% get replaced by a random quote picked in "c:\outlook\ligne1.txt" and so on. I got the macro working, but sometimes, instead of getting a quote...