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  1. CWM330

    Exchange Plan 1

    DOH! if I had known that, I would of went with PLAN 2! Thanks! Chris
  2. CWM330

    Exchange Plan 1

    I've been using Exchange for about a month now, I finally decided I was going to stick with it, no matter what A> I like the UI compaired to Fastmail's, Fastmail's just looks DATED! B> I trust MS with my email I signed up via...
  3. CWM330

    What's a good archiving policy?

    Right now it says: 1% Full 0.2 GB of 30
  4. CWM330

    What's a good archiving policy?

    FOLLOW UP: ------------------ Run archive every 90 days? Archive anything OLDER THAN......... What would ya'll say? Anything older than 3/4 Months? Archive to: LOCALPSTFILE
  5. CWM330

    What's a good archiving policy?

    MY SETUP ------------------- Personal Domain Fastmail 30 gigs for $5.00 a month IMAP MAILSTORE HOME ( FREE EDITION ) connected to IMAP account for backup. MS Family plan $9.99 -- Office and One Cloud installed on a Desktop PC, and Mom's Laptop. Finally said " TO H*ll with LINUX" And came back...
  6. CWM330

    dealing with SPAM in 2023

    You're very welcome! :) It's a very easy program to use... Even setting up REGEX filters is easy too! --- Chris
  7. CWM330

    dealing with SPAM in 2023

    What happens is... When it sees a piece of email that is junk, it just turns the background color from WHITE or GREEN to RED, to let you know that, MWP thinks that email is spam.. Nothing else happens... You had to click the little trash can next to the email, and then hit WASH MAIL for it to be...
  8. CWM330

    Discussion for all: IMAP + Safety

    I tried Exchange twice, and to me, it was confusing, I always had to call support and ask how to do things... I kinda did like it though. But really, Exchange has WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too many settings pages to keep up with! ADMIN PORTAL EXCHANGE PORTAL This That Everywhere! lol Chris
  9. CWM330

    dealing with SPAM in 2023

    +1 for MWP! <3 I don't mind having to take two steps using MWP. It has SOOOOOOO many features like rules, and friends list, and block list. Just leave MWP open, if you leave your computer on during the day, bring it up, glace over the emails, click the trash can on the ones you don't want...
  10. CWM330

    Discussion for all: IMAP + Safety

    I was told that it's safer to stay on POP3, than it would be to move to IMAP / Exchange / etc..... I am just wondering if there's any truth in that? Can hackers still get into your mailbox, even with 2 step turned on? Context: I use Fastmail with 2-Step ON with Authenticator App for...
  11. CWM330

    Wrong Date

    Just following up... It's been 2 days since I've sent that email to you and I havent heard anything! Thanks! Chris
  12. CWM330

    Wrong Date

    I added the sent column to Outlook, but they all say NONE.
  13. CWM330

    Wrong Date

    Hi Diane, Just sent you an email! Thanks, Chris
  14. CWM330

    Wrong Date

    So, I decided to try IMAP *AGAIN* for the 400th time.... I've been a POP3 user all my life and decided to try IMAP again. Its SOO MUCH easier than pop3 and having to make daily backups! But anyways, My problem is: I copied some emails from my old mail client ( Pandora) to the Fastmail...
  15. CWM330

    Question about reinstalling Outlook 2021

    Actually, that's NOT a good idea... I've read accessing your .pst from ONE DRIVE / Dropbox, etc, can cause " locked .pst files" . And due to the nature of how OneDrive / Dropbox etc works, by constantly backing up the .pst file everytime it sees a change in the file, it can cause your .pst file...
  16. CWM330

    I'm thinking about switching back to POP

    To answer your question: I keep just about EVERYTHING that comes in... But I am going to try to stick to your " 5 years at a time" for easier search functionality. That just makes sense when it comes down to needing to search for something, vs each year as separate .pst's. How long does it...
  17. CWM330

    I'm thinking about switching back to POP

    JUST A SMALL UPDATE: I haven't went through yet with converting my email from IMAP to POP..... I've been reading a lot of horror stories on Reddit about PST files getting corrupted. HINT: What i've been reading about is mainly the person's main PST files were 50 to around 90 gigs!!!!! YES...
  18. CWM330

    Outlook 365 Hey Diane! MS 365 Biz Standard and "Potential Spam" addressed to others coming to my JUNK folder?

    THE CASE HAS BEEN SOLVED! ========================== MS called me and guided me through the process: I had to go to (Sign in to your account) - which is com/antispam Click on " Anti Spam inbound Policies" Scroll to " Edit Actions" Then for Spam, High Confidence...
  19. CWM330

    Outlook 365 HELP! Calendar Craziness!

    @John Ismyname My Mother, not spouse. lol :)
  20. CWM330

    Outlook 365 Hey Diane! MS 365 Biz Standard and "Potential Spam" addressed to others coming to my JUNK folder?

    Here is some more information: Now the Michaels email is showing up at my gmail account, instead of to my Mom's account since the MS guy had me change the email address for suspicious emails: Could this be why the emails are forwarded to my gmail account: Michael's SPF record fails the...