Its complicated . . .
I use outlook to access a POP3 account and 3 gmail accounts. It used to be an easy way of getting all mail in one inbox then Google Sulked and stopped POP access to Gmail. IMAP worked for a while (but its a pain because it has a separate inbox) but most mail comes via...
Its complicated . . .
I use outlook to access a POP3 account and 3 gmail accounts. It used to be an easy way of getting all mail in one inbox then Google Sulked and stopped POP access to Gmail. IMAP worked for a while (but its a pain because it has a separate inbox) but most mail comes via...
Outloook 2010 (POP3/SMTP) has a handy facility that allows you to select the email address from which the email is sent (or rather, the email address that appears in the Sent From: field). It's been working fine for ages and today (or maybe yesterday) it stopped working.
- I...
the messages were eventually sent but still did not appear in sent items. The two problems that made fixing this take so long were
1. Believing I could run the script on any message in the inbox (as opposed to a newly arrived one)
2. Thinking the script had not worked because there was no...
Another oddity. (see 1 above) Although I can see no trafce of the message, if I try to exit outlook, it tells me that there are unsent messages in the outbox. How can I see them?
Ahha - progress. If I send a fresh email the rule works correctly.
if I run the rule on the same email (in the inbox) whether it is read OR unread, the rule does not work so it looks as if there is an additional flag somewhere or it happens at a different step in the process.
And finally, just...
And finally, in case any odd characters had got into the script, I
1. deleted the script
2. manually edited the opening lines of the working macro
3. Tried again. Still nothing.
Is there some form of security that applies to scripts and not to macros that is stopping this?
1. Ran repair which found errors
2. Tried to run rule and was told to delete those rules with errors. Only rule with an error was unrelated to this issue
3. Copy testTemplate
4. Run macro and it works fine (displays reply email)
5. Run the rule on the inbox and still nothing happens
6. Edit rule...
PS I have no idea if it is significant but . . .
If I try run rules now and select this rule, hte green progress bar only makes it just over half way across before stopping.
Thanks for the reply.
Yes well I thought everything looked fine as well :-( hence the absence of hair!
What else can I do/try to get to the bottom of this?
1. actually says add Stop processing more rules.
2. I...
Hi and HELP!!
This VBA automatic reply is driving me nuts. It sort of worked occasionally but as I fiddled my way towards the desired goal it stopped working and now I cant get it to work at all (well the rule works but the script is never run) so:
I deleted the VBA module1 and the rule; Shut...
Its amazing how writing things down logically helps find the answer
So I
- Added file B
- Changed all the accounts to have inbox in file B as their default delivery location
- Tried to remove file A but got a message about configuration information being copied to the new default...
Running 2010 under W7 Ultimate.
I have two mail files call them A (original) and B (consolidated from a variety of backups). A worked fine and the cleanup tools worked as well. All accounts are set up to send their mail to A
I added B in control panel->mail and opened outlook. I can...
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