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  1. A

    Create Macro for hyperlink(email) in message body

    Thanks Michael. Figured it out and it has been working with no glitches. Now I have another problem. I share my task folder with other co-workers. They use this macro to reply to my emails that are shared on the task folder. Work will not allow me to delegate access to them so they can send on...
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    Create Macro for hyperlink(email) in message body

    Ok I got it to work Michael. Now how change I change the font color on the objReply.Body = "NO CONFLICT WITH SEWER MAINTENANCE FORCE MAIN" to a red font. Thanks for the help! Sub ReplyTest() Dim objItem As Object Dim intLocAddress As Integer Dim intLocCRLF As Integer Dim...
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    Create Macro for hyperlink(email) in message body

    Sub ReplyTest() Dim objItem As Object Dim intLocAddress As Integer Dim intLocCRLF As Integer Dim strAddress As String Dim objReply As MailItem Set objItem = GetCurrentItem() If objItem.Class = olMail Then ' find the requestor address strAddress...
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    Create Macro for hyperlink(email) in message body

    Thanks Michael. I was able to piece together a code that did partially what I wanted. It put the email from the original email body into a reply email in the To: field and copied the original email into the new reply email.Now I just need help with changing the subject to say "USA Dig Alert" and...
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    Create Macro for hyperlink(email) in message body

    Ok maybe this would be much easier. How do I reply to a link in an email to open a template I have created already?
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    Create Macro for hyperlink(email) in message body

    I would like some help with a macro. I receive an email from dig alerts everyday and I have a rule that sends them to my task folder. When I open the email, I would like to create a macro so when I click on the hyperlink that is included in the message body, runs the macro and sends it to a...