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  1. P

    Using BCM2010 Business Projects as SharePoint 2007 Data Source

    We have a SBS2008 network and it comes with SharePoint 2007 v3, which drives our internal Companyweb pages. I would like to link BCM2010's Business Projects to our Companyweb's Tasks page. I have found that via SP Designer 2007 I can create a Data Source from the BCM2010 data, but I can not seem...
  2. P

    Can't Add User to Assigned to List in a Shared BCM2010

    We have Win7 stations with Office 2010 on all and the BCM database is on a network server 2008, with the BCM network database tool installed. Every user was listed in "Assigned to" drop-down at one time, but one user was deleted somehow and I can not get that user to show back up. I have...
  3. P

    Add Business Contacts to BCM2010 from iPhone

    We use SBS2008 which has Exchange 2007 and all users have Outlook 2010. We have BCM2010 installed on all users and would like to be able to enter new contacts from the iPhones into BCM. Each user has two contact folders, "Contacts" and "Personal Contacts" in their Outlook; The Personal Contacts...