Search results

  1. G

    Arggh, weakness of reminder for every Task recurrence

    In Outlook (desktop, v. 365/2016) I create a task for recurring items with Control-shift-K for next Tuesday. I go alt-M for a reminder at some time, let's say at 11:45 A.M. next Tuesday. I create recurrence (alt-H,E), daily, no end date. Now if I am not mistaken, when the reminder is dismissed...
  2. G

    Capture "forward event" ?

    I'd like to use VBA which triggers when "forward" is chosen. All the code I've seen is how to *initiate* a forwarding. That's not my target. Rather, I'm trying to capture when forward has just been chosen. I may be wanting code for "OnForwarding" (a made-up word) or possibly MailItem.Forward...
  3. G

    Quit event code - 2007

    Thanks for the incredible help I've received here, usually lurking through the years of great stuff here. Here's something that I expect will be easy but I'm floundering. If it's not simple, it's okay, this is not really important to me. I want to intercept Outlook shutdown if there are...
  4. G

    Outlook 2007 compound (OR) instant search break down

    "" OR detail OR "through" fails to find a 5 day old message whose subject has the word through, even though 212 matches DO show up. However the newest of those messages is 8/2/12, nearly a year ago The message is apparently indexed; instant search DOES see it when - The first...
  5. G

    What event happens when you open 2 copies of your inbox?

    Love this forum! This if for when I open a second copy of the inbox via outlook.exe /select outlook:inbox I'm trying to identify what event(s) fire off - perhaps analogous to "App_NewWorkbook" in Excel. (One reason for having multiple inboxes at once is to do different searches...
  6. G

    How can I identify in VBA if the current window is an item or a folder?

    Let's say I've opened a mail item, which happens to be the 2nd item("Msg2") in Inbox. Now I go back to the Inbox window but select the third item("Msg3"). ActiveInspector.CurrentItem would show data, but that's irrelevant to the current window item...
  7. G

    multiple instance search preferences

    I'm bracing for a "this isn't supported" or "nonstandard usage" answer but here goes: I start a second instance of OL2007 via outlook.exe /select outlook:inbox while an instance is running. In fact, you can open multiple instances that way. And they're all fine. You can have Inbox in one...