Add Account

Post number 1 has been selected as the best answer.


New Member
OS Version(s)
  1. Windows
Outlook version
Outlook 365 64 bit
Email Account
Operating system::    Windows 11
Outlook version:     Outlook Office 365
Email type or host:    IMAP

Hello I have been an Outlook user for over 25 years (Office 97). I have a email account hosted by Gmail. I actually have several Gmail accounts (IMAP). I recently purchased a new computer. NOTE - On my previous computer all my email accounts worked without issue. I am a paid subscriber to Office 365, and downloaded Office 365 on the new computer. In Outlook I added my first 2 Gmail accounts without issue. When I went to add the third account I received the following error. We couldn't log on to the incoming (POP/IMAP) server. Please check your email address and password and try again. I tried this several times to no avail. For those of you that have added Gmail accounts to Outlook, you will know that after entering the email address a Gmail screen prompts you to enter in the password and if 2 step verification is set up you are requested to enter in the G- #. These steps are not occurring.

I have contacted Gmail and they checked all of the settings and found no issues. Google suggested I try to add the email address to a different computer. I did and that That was successful. Google felt that meant there was an issue with Outlook on my new machine not prompting with the Gmail sign in screen. Google tried to help me add the account manually. That would not work either.

Google suggested I set up a different Outlook Profile. I did to no no avail.

I then uninstalled Office and reinstalled it and tried adding the problem email account. No luck. I was able to add the other two accounts without issue.

I have chatted with Microsoft support several times with no luck.

Any feedback or advise you might share would be appreciated.
Click over to this thread, and read my Gmail Setup Notes on my FULL post. Hard to believe your solution is not there.
Each Gmail account needs the proper settings. Sounds like that one is not set properly to do what you want.

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