Cannot access macro menu in OL2003

  • Thread starter Thread starter Catalin
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Hi everybody

I use OL2003 for many years. I have lots of macros and suddenly I am not

able to access the macro menu - Tools / Macro. I cannot open VBA editor nor

Security window.

I noticed that this morning I was not prompted to enable or disable the

macros as usual. I became suspicious and I tried to open Security window.

This is how I saw this problem.

Pls tell me if there is any cure for this. Do I have a virus? I use Avast

antiovirus for Internet and email.

Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks and regards,

"Catalin" <Catalin> wrote in message
> Hi everybody

> I use OL2003 for many years. I have lots of macros and suddenly I am not
> able to access the macro menu - Tools / Macro. I cannot open VBA editor nor
> Security window.

> I noticed that this morning I was not prompted to enable or disable the
> macros as usual. I became suspicious and I tried to open Security window.
> This is how I saw this problem.

> Pls tell me if there is any cure for this. Do I have a virus? I use Avast
> antiovirus for Internet and email.

> Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks and regards,
> Catalin

Try looking in Help>About>Disabled items. That caught me out when it happened.

Thanks a lot. This was really the problem.

But I do not now how was disbled that feature.

How was this possible. Do you have any idea?

Anyway, thanks again and regads,

"Martin Gerhold" wrote:

> "Catalin" <Catalin> wrote in message
> > Hi everybody
> > I use OL2003 for many years. I have lots of macros and suddenly I am not
> > able to access the macro menu - Tools / Macro. I cannot open VBA editor nor
> > Security window.
> > I noticed that this morning I was not prompted to enable or disable the
> > macros as usual. I became suspicious and I tried to open Security window.
> > This is how I saw this problem.
> > Pls tell me if there is any cure for this. Do I have a virus? I use Avast
> > antiovirus for Internet and email.
> > Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks and regards,
> > Catalin

> Try looking in Help>About>Disabled items. That caught me out when it happened.
> Martin

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