Reminder not displayed because folder does not support reminders

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I included the reminder checkbox on my form region. When I create now an iterm in my Folder where I defined my Form as defult and

try saving the item with the checkbox enabled I get the message:

"Reminder will not be displayed, because reminders are nor supported in this folder. Do you agree? Yes/No"

(Translation from the German message)

What do I have to do that my folder supports reminders? I created the folder to hold Taskitems.

I'm using Outlook 2007


Where is this Tasks folder located? Unlike earlier versions of Outlook,

Outlook 2007 does support reminders in a non-default Tasks folder as long as

it's in your default PST file or Exchange mailbox, or in a non-default PST


About the only place you should see a message like that is in an Exchange

public folders Tasks folder, where reminders are not supported.

"escamoteur" <> wrote in message
> Hi,

> I included the reminder checkbox on my form region. When I create now an
> iterm in my Folder where I defined my Form as defult and try saving the
> item with the checkbox enabled I get the message:

> "Reminder will not be displayed, because reminders are nor supported in
> this folder. Do you agree? Yes/No"
> (Translation from the German message)

> What do I have to do that my folder supports reminders? I created the
> folder to hold Taskitems.

> I'm using Outlook 2007

> Best
> Tom
Hmm, the folder is in it's own PST-File, not in the default PST.


<> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:urBItA0HKHA.1492@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> Where is this Tasks folder located? Unlike earlier versions of Outlook,
> Outlook 2007 does support reminders in a non-default Tasks folder as long as
> it's in your default PST file or Exchange mailbox, or in a non-default PST
> file.

> About the only place you should see a message like that is in an Exchange
> public folders Tasks folder, where reminders are not supported.

> >


> "escamoteur" <> wrote in message
> > Hi,

>> I included the reminder checkbox on my form region. When I create now an
> > iterm in my Folder where I defined my Form as defult and try saving the
> > item with the checkbox enabled I get the message:

>> "Reminder will not be displayed, because reminders are nor supported in
> > this folder. Do you agree? Yes/No"
> > (Translation from the German message)

>> What do I have to do that my folder supports reminders? I created the
> > folder to hold Taskitems.

>> I'm using Outlook 2007

>> Best
> > Tom

Do you have Windows Search installed and enabled? Reminders from non-default

folders depend on that. Otherwise I have no idea.

"escamoteur" <> wrote in message
> Hmm, the folder is in it's own PST-File, not in the default PST.
> Best
> Tom
As I'm using Vista I have Microsoft search automatically, haven't I?


<> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:O1WGrM3HKHA.4316@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
> Do you have Windows Search installed and enabled? Reminders from non-default
> folders depend on that. Otherwise I have no idea.

> >


> "escamoteur" <> wrote in message
> > Hmm, the folder is in it's own PST-File, not in the default PST.
> > Best
> > Tom

Yes, Vista comes with search.

I added a secondary PST to an Outlook 2007 setup. Then I created a new Tasks

folder in that secondary PST file and set up new a new task with a reminder

in both the default Tasks folder and the new Tasks folder in that PST file.

I got no prompt about reminders and the reminders in both folders showed up

in the To-Do Bar.

Select Tools, Instant Search, Search Options. In that dialog make sure both

your default and secondary PST files are checked under Indexing (Index

messages in these data files). That's the only thing you need set up for

this to work.

"escamoteur" <> wrote in message
> As I'm using Vista I have Microsoft search automatically, haven't I?

> Best
> Tom
I know found it. It was not the search, but you gave me a good hint.

I created my PST file from my Add-In. And looking at the property page of the PST file I found that there is a check box that has to

be enabled in order to use reminders in the folder.

Thanks al lot

<> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:%235NnAPAIKHA.4376@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> Yes, Vista comes with search.

> I added a secondary PST to an Outlook 2007 setup. Then I created a new Tasks folder in that secondary PST file and set up new a
> new task with a reminder in both the default Tasks folder and the new Tasks folder in that PST file. I got no prompt about
> reminders and the reminders in both folders showed up in the To-Do Bar.

> Select Tools, Instant Search, Search Options. In that dialog make sure both your default and secondary PST files are checked under
> Indexing (Index messages in these data files). That's the only thing you need set up for this to work.

> >


> "escamoteur" <> wrote in message
> > As I'm using Vista I have Microsoft search automatically, haven't I?

>> Best
> > Tom

Now the question arises: How can I toogle this option at the propertie page of the store that enables remindes from my add-in.



"escamoteur" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> I know found it. It was not the search, but you gave me a good hint.

> I created my PST file from my Add-In. And looking at the property page of the PST file I found that there is a check box that has
> to be enabled in order to use reminders in the folder.

> Thanks al lot
> Tom

> " - " <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:%235NnAPAIKHA.4376@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...
> > Yes, Vista comes with search.

>> I added a secondary PST to an Outlook 2007 setup. Then I created a new Tasks folder in that secondary PST file and set up new a
> > new task with a reminder in both the default Tasks folder and the new Tasks folder in that PST file. I got no prompt about
> > reminders and the reminders in both folders showed up in the To-Do Bar.

>> Select Tools, Instant Search, Search Options. In that dialog make sure both your default and secondary PST files are checked
> > under Indexing (Index messages in these data files). That's the only thing you need set up for this to work.

>> > >

> >


>> "escamoteur" <> wrote in message
> >> As I'm using Vista I have Microsoft search automatically, haven't I?
> >
>>> Best
> >> Tom

> >

I haven't checked this out, but the setting is probably stored in the

registry somewhere. Run a program such as RegMon to see what gets written

out when you change the setting in the UI.

But for most settings like that Outlook will read the setting on startup but

never again. It writes out any changes but maintains the settings in memory,

so changing a registry setting will only work when Outlook isn't running.

"escamoteur" <> wrote in message
> Now the question arises: How can I toogle this option at the propertie
> page of the store that enables remindes from my add-in.
> Best
> Tom
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