Using a PropertyAccessor custom datetime property in Views

  • Thread starter Thread starter wclarke101
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I'm having problems getting a datetime property (added using

PropertyAccessor) to display as a column in a customised View.

I've added the datetime property to the PropertyAccessor using the following


objMailItem.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty("{FFF40745-D92F-4C11-9E14-92701F001EB3}/DocumentDate", dtDocumentDate)

> ...where dtDocumentDate is a Date variable.

I've then tried to customise the folder's View to show this custom property

as a column. This is the XML excerpt...

<format>M/d/yyyy||h:mm tt</format
> ... but the when I run the application, the this DocumentDate column just

displays the word "None".

If i changed the XML to use a string column instead of a datetime column,

then it displays the date, but the column sorting doesn't work properly

because Outlook is treating the values as strings.

How do i reference a custom datetime property in the View XML? Any help

would be greatly appreciated.

I'm using VSTO with Outlook 2007.


Wayne. You are creating a PT_STRING8

property, not a PT_SYSTIME property, why would you expect it to correctly

display in the grid as a date/time column?

"wclarke101" <wclarke101> wrote in message
> Hello,

> I'm having problems getting a datetime property (added using
> PropertyAccessor) to display as a column in a customised View.

> I've added the datetime property to the PropertyAccessor using the
> following
> code...

> objMailItem.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty("{FFF40745-D92F-4C11-9E14-92701F001EB3}/DocumentDate",
> dtDocumentDate)

> ...where dtDocumentDate is a Date variable.

> I've then tried to customise the folder's View to show this custom
> property
> as a column. This is the XML excerpt...

> <column
> <type>datetime</type
> <heading>DocumentDate</heading
> <prop>{FFF40745-D92F-4C11-9E14-92701F001EB3}/DocumentDate</prop
> <width>200</width
> <style>padding-left:3px;;text-align:left</style
> <editable>1</editable
> <format>M/d/yyyy||h:mm tt</format
> <displayformat>2</displayformat
> </column
> ... but the when I run the application, the this DocumentDate column just
> displays the word "None".

> If i changed the XML to use a string column instead of a datetime column,
> then it displays the date, but the column sorting doesn't work properly
> because Outlook is treating the values as strings.

> How do i reference a custom datetime property in the View XML? Any help
> would be greatly appreciated.

> I'm using VSTO with Outlook 2007.

> Thanks,
> Wayne.
Thanks Ken.

How do I add a PT_SYSTIME custom property to PropertyAccessor that would

then display as a date/time column in the grid?

Do you have sample code for the SetProperty method call and the XML column

tag I would need?



> You are creating a PT_STRING8
> property, not a PT_SYSTIME property, why would you expect it to correctly
> display in the grid as a date/time column?

> >


> "wclarke101" <wclarke101> wrote in message
> > Hello,
> > I'm having problems getting a datetime property (added using
> > PropertyAccessor) to display as a column in a customised View.
> > I've added the datetime property to the PropertyAccessor using the
> > following
> > code...
> > objMailItem.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty("{FFF40745-D92F-4C11-9E14-92701F001EB3}/DocumentDate",
> > dtDocumentDate)
> > ...where dtDocumentDate is a Date variable.
> > I've then tried to customise the folder's View to show this custom
> > property
> > as a column. This is the XML excerpt...
> > <column
> > <type>datetime</type
> > <heading>DocumentDate</heading
> > <prop>{FFF40745-D92F-4C11-9E14-92701F001EB3}/DocumentDate</prop
> > <width>200</width
> > <style>padding-left:3px;;text-align:left</style
> > <editable>1</editable
> > <format>M/d/yyyy||h:mm tt</format
> > <displayformat>2</displayformat
> > </column
> > ... but the when I run the application, the this DocumentDate column just
> > displays the word "None".
> > If i changed the XML to use a string column instead of a datetime column,
> > then it displays the date, but the column sorting doesn't work properly
> > because Outlook is treating the values as strings.
> > How do i reference a custom datetime property in the View XML? Any help
> > would be greatly appreciated.
> > I'm using VSTO with Outlook 2007.
> > Thanks,
> > Wayne.

Why not just use the UserProperties collection?

The PropertyAccessor namespace does

take a GUID, but it also requires a property tag. You couldn't refer to the

property by name, since it wouldn't have a name but a property tag.

Unfortunately there is no GetIDsFromNames() method in the object model that

would allow using a name and deriving a MAPI property tag from it.

You would use something like this, given that a PT_SYSTIME has the property

tag OR'd with 0x0040. This example uses an id value picked at random,


Const Custom_Tag =


Note that the const should be all on one line as a continuous string. The

GUID is the same as your custom namespace GUID and the id part is composed

of the 0x8502 value I selected at random and the 0x0040 value for a


You would use that const with your call to PropertyAccessor.SetProperty()

and in your view XML. That should be the only change needed in the view XML.

"wclarke101" <wclarke101> wrote in message
> Thanks Ken.

> How do I add a PT_SYSTIME custom property to PropertyAccessor that would
> then display as a date/time column in the grid?

> Do you have sample code for the SetProperty method call and the XML column
> tag I would need?

> Thanks,
> Wayne.
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