I had already deleted all of the items from BCM Deleted never
even crossed my mind that PROJECTS and PROJECT TASKS would be a communication
history item? Not only because it doesn't seem logical, but because in
quickly looking through the items in there, they all appeard to be emails.
I know I'm "delete happy" - but this is a bit frustrating. I don't know if
I'm mad at myself for not understanding how the program works better, or at
MS - it seems like you have to be so careful, one touch of the wrong button,
everything is gone without so much as a warning "hey, if you delete this,
you're also deleting projects and tasks."
Just doesn't seem logical.
Any other way to recover these items?
"John" wrote:
> On Sep 13, 4:38 pm, CJ33414 <CJ33...> wrote:
> > I did two things tonight that could have caused this:
> >
> > 1. I went into Communications History within BCM and deleted everything that
> > was in there
> >
> > 2. I upgraded to SP2
> >
> > I already deleted the "Deleted Items" from BCM - so if the fix was in there,
> > it's too late...
> >
> > Thanks in advance for any help/ideas on how to fix this.
> Hi CJ, can you try going into the "Deleted Items" folder under the BCM
> tree (in Folders List) and see if you have any of your communication
> history items there? If so, drag them back to the BCM Communications
> History folder, and they should be back.
> I don't think upgrading to SP2 would have caused this... because if it
> were the reason, you would have seen an uproar on the forum...
> Good luck!