Alignment in Combobox

  • Thread starter Thread starter KarthikonIT
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I m creating a plugin for Outlook.

I have following Question please help me out

Question 1:

I have added a combobox(Office::msoControlComboBox) to my Outlook toolbar.

But when I set the caption to the combobox the alignment of dropdown(the list

that popups on click of down arrow in combo) expands to the entire width of

the comboboxcontrol(Width of caption + Width of combobox( place where u can

type )).


DropDownWidth Property -> only resizes it, does not align.

Is there anyway to make the dropdownlist in alignment withe combobox position.

(ie I would like to intent the dropdown to the right so that start position

of dropdownlist and combo(edit area) is same).

Also the caption in Combobox control is highlighted how to remove that?

Question 2:

I have also added a Button(Office::msoControlButton) to my Outlook toolbar.

Is there any property to remove highlight on Mouse hover.

Question 3:

Is there a way to add a static text to OutlookToolbar.

Thanks in Advance.

No to the first 2 questions as far as I know. For the third you can add a

button that has the text you want, that's about it.

"KarthikonIT " <u54961@uwe> wrote in message

> Hi,
> I m creating a plugin for Outlook.

> I have following Question please help me out

> Question 1:
> I have added a combobox(Office::msoControlComboBox) to my Outlook toolbar.

> But when I set the caption to the combobox the alignment of dropdown(the
> list
> that popups on click of down arrow in combo) expands to the entire width
> of
> the comboboxcontrol(Width of caption + Width of combobox( place where u
> can
> type )).

> Note:
> DropDownWidth Property -> only resizes it, does not align.

> Is there anyway to make the dropdownlist in alignment withe combobox
> position.
> (ie I would like to intent the dropdown to the right so that start
> position
> of dropdownlist and combo(edit area) is same).

> Also the caption in Combobox control is highlighted how to remove that?

> Question 2:
> I have also added a Button(Office::msoControlButton) to my Outlook
> toolbar.

> Is there any property to remove highlight on Mouse hover.

> Question 3:
> Is there a way to add a static text to OutlookToolbar.

> Thanks in Advance.

> >
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