userform combobox

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jonathan
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Hi, using Outlook 2007. I have a simple userform that only has a combobox.

The problem is that I cannot enter a value and cannot select an item from the




I don't know if this is a red herring... the multi-column combobox is loaded

using data from sql2005

Do Until rsClient.EOF


For columnIndex = 0 To fieldCount

cboClientList.List(rowIndex, columnIndex) =

rsClient.Fields(columnIndex) & ""

Next columnIndex


rowIndex = rowIndex + 1


The combobox has 4 columns that are all visible.

Any ideas or suggestions appreciated :-)

Many thanks,

I found it... it was my on change event that was causing issues...



"Jonathan" wrote:

> Hi, using Outlook 2007. I have a simple userform that only has a combobox.
> The problem is that I cannot enter a value and cannot select an item from the
> list.

> Enable=true
> Locked=false

> I don't know if this is a red herring... the multi-column combobox is loaded
> using data from sql2005

> Do Until rsClient.EOF
> cboClientList.AddItem
> For columnIndex = 0 To fieldCount
> cboClientList.List(rowIndex, columnIndex) =
> rsClient.Fields(columnIndex) & ""
> Next columnIndex
> rsClient.MoveNext
> rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
> Loop

> The combobox has 4 columns that are all visible.

> Any ideas or suggestions appreciated :-)

> Many thanks,
> Jonathan
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