Accidentally Closing Outlook

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I have a user that has accidentally closed Outlook will typing an email and has lost the email. I would like to give him a chicken exit edit that will appear after the x is clicked and before the program actually closes.

I found the following information on several googled locations, but it is not working.

The message is in the Outbox, but I get no edit on closing. Is there an Outlook setting that needs to be changed to get Outlook to consider the population of the Outbox?

1.Open a new message - enter "Keep Outlook Open" as the subject. Don't enter an address in the To field!

2.Save the message to Drafts.

3.Drag it from Drafts to the Outbox.

4.When you exit Outlook, you'll have the chance to cancel closing Outlook.

OR.....if you can suggest some code that will provide the desired effect, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
What version of Outlook? That should work in all versions. The exception is with Corp mode in Outlook 2000 - you need to include another account in the profile for it to work. See

I haven't tested it in outlook 2010 yet, but someone told me that it doesn't work in 2010. If you're using 2010, i'll test it.
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