Cannot delete single email in INBOX, delete grayed out

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Installed new version of Office 2010, restored a PST from a 2003 version of MS Outlook, all imported OK, all folders everything. PROBLEM: any SINGLE email in the inbox cannot be deleted (delete is grayed out @ top and also on right-click). BUT weird thing is if I highlight 2 or more emails in the inbox, can delete just fine. UGH, scoured the web in search of this fix. Hoping someone can get back to me asap on this.

ALSO, just fyi ALL the other folders other than the inbox, u can delete just fine, one by one.



Did you upgrade from an older version? If so, try a new profile if you are using a profile created in an older version of Outlook.

Try opening Outlook in Safe mode. (Hold Ctrl as you click on the Outlook icon to start in Safe mode.)
Did you upgrade from an older version? If so, try a new profile if you are using a profile created in an older version of Outlook.

Try opening Outlook in Safe mode. (Hold Ctrl as you click on the Outlook icon to start in Safe mode.)

WELL I created a PST from another computer (with 2003 OL) installed brand new copy of 2010 onto this new PC, THEN restored PST. It restored all my folders (sent, deleted, other misc named folders) in ANY of these folders I can delete any SINGLE message just fine. BUT ANYTHING in the INBOX (whether restored from PST or even any current email that rolls in) cannot be deleted one at a time. Again, totally weird I can select 2 or more and delete just fine.

Anyway, tried the safe mode into OL, did not work. With regards to "new profile" would that be a new profile (or account) in OL or new profile in Win7? ALSO just FYI I did try the "inbox repair tool" did not fix even though it said it found prbs.

Thanks for getting back to me! Please do again!

A new Outlook profile in Control panel, Mail - create the account and use a new pst. This will tell us if the problem is with the pst or outlook.

Also, you say you restored the pst. Did you open it directly in the profile or import it?
Installed new version of Office 2010, restored a PST from a 2003 version of MS Outlook, all imported OK, all folders everything. PROBLEM: any SINGLE email in the inbox cannot be deleted (delete is grayed out @ top and also on right-click). BUT weird thing is if I highlight 2 or more emails in the inbox, can delete just fine. UGH, scoured the web in search of this fix. Hoping someone can get back to me asap on this.

ALSO, just fyi ALL the other folders other than the inbox, u can delete just fine, one by one.




I've got exactly the same problem - did you ever figure it out?

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