Getting the SMTP address from an EX address

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I've written code to compare our Public Folder Recipients List with

information we have in several databases. The program will update the

Public Folders with the information in the database.

The snag I've hit is with the e-mail address. I am using Outlook

Redemption and retrieving Email1Address but the type is EX and what we

have in the database is SMTP.

My applicable code, which will fail because of this, is:

-----------------------------------------------Dim myFolder As outlook.MAPIFolder

Dim myInbox As outlook.MAPIFolder

Dim myNameSpace As outlook.NameSpace

Dim myOutlook As outlook.Application

Dim SafeContact, oContact

Set myOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application." & Val(Left

(outlook.Version, 2)))

Set myNameSpace = myOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")


Set myFolder = myNameSpace.Folders("Public Folders").Folders("All

Public Folders").Folders("Contacts").Folders(gsPublicContactsFolder)

Set SafeContact = CreateObject("Redemption.SafeContactItem")

Set oContact = myFolder.Items.Find("[EMPID2] = 472")

If UCase(SafeContact.Email1Address) <> UCase

("") Then

SafeContact.Email1Address = ("")

End If

-----------------------------------------------It's off because some addresses are EX and some are SMTP, yet all are

employees so I would have thought they'd all be the same.

I tried writing code to handle this, but then some of the EX types

have a string of numbers after the name. For example:



Those numbers don't appear anywhere in the SMTP address and even when

you click on the properties and view the EX, you don't see those

I'm also wondering if the reason some are SMTP and some are EX is

because how they were entered. If the e-mail is written in by hand,

it would be SMTP, but if it was chosen with address book, it would be

the EX type. Is this correct?
Try something like the following

set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")

Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT

> ..

if oContact.Email1AddressType = "EX Then

set AE = Session.GetAddressEntryFromID(oContact.Email1EntryID)

MsgBox AE.SmtpAddress


MsgBopx oContact.Email1Address


Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
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Try something like the following

set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")

Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT

> ..

if oContact.Email1AddressType = "EX Then

set AE = Session.GetAddressEntryFromID(oContact.Email1EntryID)

MsgBox AE.SmtpAddress


MsgBopx oContact.Email1Address


Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)

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Thanks Dmitry.

When I throw that in the code, it halts and highlights MAPIOBJECT.

The error it throws is:

Compile Error

Method or data member not found.

Maybe I have an old version of your software. I have:

Assuming that I update the software, would this have an effect on

existing software that used the version I have now?
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I made a backup of the original and downloaded the ner version

( It behaves the same way and doesn't know what


Am I taking your code too literal?
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I changed the code a bit so that it reads as such:

Set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")

Session.Folders("Public Folders").Folders("All Public Folders").Folders

("Contacts").Folders(gsPublicContactsFolder) =


I know the second MAPIOBJECT is going to cause a problem, but it

breaks on the first line with the error:

Property is read-only.
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Sorry, replace Application (which most likely points to an instance of

Access.Application rather than Outlook.Application) with myOutlook :

set rSession = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")

rSession.MAPIOBJECT = myOutlook .Session.MAPIOBJECT

> ..

if oContact.Email1AddressType = "EX Then

set AE = rSession.GetAddressEntryFromID(oContact.Email1EntryID)

MsgBox AE.SmtpAddress


MsgBopx oContact.Email1Address


Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
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