- Outlook version
- Email Account
Can I refer to:
http://www.slipstick.com/exchange/adding-extended-mapi-fields-to-outlook/ ?
The "Sender's email address" section in that link works very well and has been used by me for about a year (XP Pro, Outlook 2007, Hotmail Connector).
Externsive searching, and also a long, current thread here http://outlookcode.com/threads.aspx?forumid=2&messageid=32712 , have so far produced no result for the following request:
Cause Outlook message lists to display alternative To, CC, BCC and 'Have replies sent to' (ie Reply-to) fields, these alternatives showing not the Display Name provided by the default fields but the plain SMTP address.
In other words I need a script equivalent to the Sender's Email Address script above, for filing as a .cfg file, which will do the same job but for the other fields mentioned.
Any input on this will be very welcome indeed!
William Lambton,
http://www.slipstick.com/exchange/adding-extended-mapi-fields-to-outlook/ ?
The "Sender's email address" section in that link works very well and has been used by me for about a year (XP Pro, Outlook 2007, Hotmail Connector).
Externsive searching, and also a long, current thread here http://outlookcode.com/threads.aspx?forumid=2&messageid=32712 , have so far produced no result for the following request:
Cause Outlook message lists to display alternative To, CC, BCC and 'Have replies sent to' (ie Reply-to) fields, these alternatives showing not the Display Name provided by the default fields but the plain SMTP address.
In other words I need a script equivalent to the Sender's Email Address script above, for filing as a .cfg file, which will do the same job but for the other fields mentioned.
Any input on this will be very welcome indeed!
William Lambton,