Hyperlink Issue

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Hey Everyone,

First time poster in need of a little help. I need to send an email with a web address in a signature, but I do not want it hyperlinked. I know of the 'right click > remove hyperlin'k, however when sent to other Outlook users, their outlook auto links it again.

Another little oddity, I tested this hyperlink problem on myself as well as a few coworkers, but the web address does not link when using the web-client version of outlook. Other web clients seem to be hit or miss, Gmail linked it, others did not. Is there anyway to assure that this web address will not be hyperlinked? Perhaps a line or two of html?

Any help would be very appreciated.

I am using Outlook 07 if this makes a difference
Most mail clients will recognize a properly formatted email or web address and make it clickable - you can't change this, even by using plain text, as its a feature of the client. This is why it seems hit or miss. The sender has no control over it. The only way to prevent it is to not use properly formatted urls.

disabling the autocorrect option to convert Internet addresses to hyperlinks doesn't help in my experience. It will stop the formatting when you press space after typing an address but won't prevent other clients from recognizing the address.
Thanks for the help!

Thats what I was starting to figure, if it was so hit or miss it had to be reciever related not sender. Very helpful!
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