I was searching for help on this subject and found this entry
Is this advice still your view, and how do other users deal with Multiple mobile phone numbers. I have family members where I have Husband wife and two or three older children all with their own mobiles.
I like the idea of one family entry and using Notes and Events for Birthdays, but not sure the best way to cope with the mobiles. User Fields presumably is an option.
Honestly, you don't need a separate contact for each person - make one for the family unit, put the people you contact by email most often in the email address fields - i.e., do you send email to both mr and mrs smith and little jill and johny, or just mrs smith? I only send to mrs smith, so her email is email1.
(I don't care how many email addresses she has - I only record the one she
uses with me.) The kids names go in the children field and if I want to
record their birthdays, I put it in notes and may make an event on the calendar.
Is this advice still your view, and how do other users deal with Multiple mobile phone numbers. I have family members where I have Husband wife and two or three older children all with their own mobiles.
I like the idea of one family entry and using Notes and Events for Birthdays, but not sure the best way to cope with the mobiles. User Fields presumably is an option.