Outlook backup tool

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The search didn't come up with a satisfying result so I decided to start a thread. I would like to know if anyone can recommend a reliable Outlook backup tool, I don't use pst-files to backup my mails, it's hard to explain why I'm not using them, I'd rather say that I'm simply not feeling comfortable with it. I've read quite often something about a tool called the lookeen backup manager, anyone heard of that before? It seems to be quite expensive but is it also worth the money?
So you are looking for an archive tool that saves messages in a different format, like PDF or HTML? If you can justify Acrobat, the package feature is great for making universal archives of email. Otherwise, see http://www.slipstick.com/mail1/savefs.asp for tools that can save to other formats.
Hello Diane

Thanks for your quick answer but I'm afraid I think I haven't made myself clear. The format in which the messages are saved isn't that important, I want a reliable backup tool and PST-files are just not the appropriate way for me, it's just that I like regular backups which are made automatically. I would also like to back up the favorites of my Mozilla Firefox browser without exporting them.
So you want to save the messages in a universal format, such as pdf or html?

If you have Acrobat, they have a great "package" utility that saves the mail as pdf's - search able and includes (printable) attachments. If not, there are utiliites available or you could use a macro. See http://www.slipstick.com/addins/housekeeping.asp for utiltiies. Outlookcode.com may have a macro. The addins (or a macro) would also be able to save as msg format.
Dear Lex,

I'm using this Lookeen Backup Manager and I am quite satisfied with it. Ok it is not for free, but you have it for a lifetime and it is a big help, especially the automatic backup setting.

So if you ask me I would recommend you to use it, but this is just my opinion. But there is also a free trial available, so you can try it and then afterwards decide if it is something for you.

I hope I've helped you a little bit.

Greetz Bene

Did you mean this tool with Lookeen Backup Manager? Link

I want to try it but I'm not sure if I have the correct link..
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