Outlook and google calendar stuck if I close outlook

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I have Outlook 2010 and Google Calendar

Everything seems working fine excepet when goolge calendar is syncing and I close outlook.

This causes the bottom right outlook icon to get stuck in "Outlook is closing" and the google calendar icon gets stuck at syncing at 15% Action "Analyzing events".

Only way to solve this is to kill the process outlook.exe via the task manager which as you can imagine is not a very good way to get rid of this problem.

If I log off from XP and the outlook.exe is killed, next time I launch outlook i am asked if I want to run it on Safe mode.

Anyone knows what may be happening?

Thanks and help is greatly appreciated
It's a bug in the google sync tool- it doesn't let go of outlook like its supposed to. First, make sure you have the latest sync tool and if its still a problem, close the sync tool before closing outlook.
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