K kbsudhir Member Jul 6, 2011 #1 Hi All, I am using Office 2007 suite. I want to extract the contact details from the global address book/list as per the employee ids provided using VBA. Please provide some guidance on how should I go about doing this. Regards Sudhir
Hi All, I am using Office 2007 suite. I want to extract the contact details from the global address book/list as per the employee ids provided using VBA. Please provide some guidance on how should I go about doing this. Regards Sudhir
Diane Poremsky Senior Member OS Version(s) MacOSWindowsiOSAndroid Outlook version Outlook 2016 32 bit Email Account Office 365 Exchange Jul 6, 2011 #2 We recommend the msdn forums for programming questions - http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/home?forum=outlookdev - or you might some code samples at outlookcode.com.
We recommend the msdn forums for programming questions - http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/home?forum=outlookdev - or you might some code samples at outlookcode.com.