Change Outlook 2010 Exchange server address via registry or script

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
I've installed outlook 2010 using Office Customization Tool on 70+ workstations.

further down the road, the exchange server name changed (part of server upgrade, long story.). When i create a new user profile in win 7, the outlook doesn't open because it can't find the exchange server.

I have to manually change the server name to open outlook.

Is there a way to change the server name via registry or a script without building a new OCT and re installing on 70+ workstations? (changing the server name manually is a pain...)
Can you find a *.prf file in the package? That is the outlook profile file - edit it in notepad to change the server name.
ok, getting somewhere, but the file is read-only.

i'm looking for a way to change it on 70+ workstation, this way it's going to be very difficult unless i'm missing something.....
The prf is readonly? right click, properties and change the read only flag. :)

Add the ModifyDefaultProfileIfPresent=False to the prf and it *should* modify the profile. (Test it on one system before rolling it out.)

You might be able to change it by editing the registry - use RegShot to "watch" the registry for changes when you change the server name on one machine. Profiles are stored here: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Outlook and one or more keys in that path will change.

If every system is identical, the keys should be the same on all - once you know which keys changed, spot check them on other system and verify the keys are identical.

Export the keys from the machine you just changed and remove the values that did not change before testing it on a couple of systems and pushing it out to others. (I'd export each key that changed as a separate reg file, edit to remove the unchanged values then combine into one reg file. )

BTW - my preferred method is using the PRF. Push just it out in a logon script.

BTW2: if you want more info about prf files, see and
SOLVED: I ran the OCT again and created a new MSP file with the new server address.

planted the MSP file vie GPO.

10X to everyone that helped.
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