appointments on To Do Bar don't reflect the correct Calendar

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Email Account
I can't get my To Do Bar appointments to show the correct ones from the calendar that I'm working off of.

(This double calendar stuff is lame... Outlook should just have One Calendar that it syncs to, like in the past...)
The calendar that displays in the to-do bar is the one from the default data file in Tools, Account Settings, data file tab.
Thanks, Larry, for the pointer - I still have the problem, though.

The problem that I'm having is that I have a Windows Phone that holds my clinic calendar. Up until this version of Windows Mobile (which I've used for 4yrs or so), my Outlook calendars on my phone and my desktop would sync without any trouble or extra work. When I got this new phone a few months ago (because my old one died...), it took an Act of God (and Microsoft's help) to sort out the calendars -- for some reason only known to MS, I now have a Windows Live ID calendar that must be different than the calendar that is the default one in my desktop Outlook. It seems that I have to work off of the Live ID calendar to have it both on my desktop and phone.

Anyway, we got them syncing and the To Do Bar reflected the Windows Live ID calendar that I have to work off of. But, silly me, I shut the To Do Bar down yesterday and when I restarted it, it's only showing the Outlook desktop calendar.

When I go into Tools, Account Settings, Data File Tab, it tells me that the calendar (my Windows Live ID one) isn't available, and if I try to force it, it tells me that Outlook will then remap ALL my inbox dirs and everything else and nothing will be available (and the world will probably end).

Now my question is WHY did it work for the last month or so and stopped reflecting the Windows Live ID calendar when I shut & reopened it??
The To-do bar shows the calendar in the default pst file. I son't know why its giving you errors when you try to set it as default.

how many and what type of accounts are in your profile, desides the hotmail connector account?
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