[outlook-users] e masil forwarding

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Some help please

I forward my e mails from hotmail to my outlook...problem is each time outlook refreshes (about every 5 minutes) the e mails in my hotmail account are again sent to my outlook...so if I step away for an hour I can come back to each e mail being on outlook several times...they only way I can stop them coming is to log onto hotmail and delete the e mail on the Hotmail...very cumbersome and sort of defeats why Im forwarding from hotmail to outlook
I think you're using either wrong terms or not giving us full information.

You cannot "forward" email to Outlook. You can POP your hotmail account

from Outlook or forward your Hotmail to another email account (like Gmail,

for example of what I do) and then use Outlook to POP the other account

(Gmail in my case). I do it that way so that Gmail's spam filters catch any

spam from my rarely used Hotmail account that has been around a LONG time so

it gets a lot of spam... most is caught by Hotmail's spam filters and then

Gmail gets whatever sneaks through Hotmail.

I see someone else already mentioned the Outlook Hotmail Connector.



Also give your Outlook version as it may be needed.

Lenny Vasbinder 504-667-5111

Skype, YM, etc. - LennyTheComputerGuy (@gmail.com)

Blog - http://LennyTheComputerGuy.blogspot.com
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