Mass find & delete email addresses from address book.

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
I am searching for a way to search for a mass amount of email addresses in my Outlook 2010, and delete them all together.

I have recently finished an online newsletter service and have been left with an xcl/csv file with all the email addresses that bouncedback or unsubscrived.

I would now like to delete these addresses from my original Outlook address book. Is there a way to do "find and delete" for Outlook contacts by uploading my file?

A colleague has suggested that I simply upload the list into a new distribution list in Outlook, then delete the emails straight away - and that it might delete the original copies from my address book at the same time. Does this sound like something that might work?

I am hesitant to upload the file, until I know they can be easily deleted again.

Many thanks in advance for any advice,

no, you can do a find and delete using the list. As described, no, your colleague's idea won't work... but he is on the right track.

If sounds like you have a contact for each subscriber, not a DL list -you could export the contacts to CSV then using the "bad" list to cross reference the addresses you need to remove, then import the cleansed list.

Step 1: move the list members to a new folder.

Step 2: Export new folder to CSV format

Step 3: open both CSV files in Excel.

There are several ways you can filter the list - lookup tables, simple compare formulas, vba to read the bad list and highlight rows where the email address matches. (If this is going to be a frequent need, working on a vba solution could be cost effective in the long run. )

After you delete the bad rows, import it back into outlook, into the correct folder. When you are satisfied everything is ok and you don't need the old contacts, delete the folder.

if your vba is good, you could write outlook vba to find contacts by vba and delete them, but I don't have samples that do that.
After you delete the bad rows, import it back into outlook, into the correct folder. When you are satisfied everything is ok and you don't need the old contacts, delete the folder.

if your vba is good, you could write outlook vba to find contacts by vba and delete them, but I don't have samples that do that.

Thanks for your reply Diane,

My vba skills are non-existing, so I am going to go down the route of simply comparing the CSV table lists and doing all the deleting legwork myself. The only problem I feel I may encounter is comparing between two seperate documents. Do you know of the best route to do this?

I would add two columns (or more) in front of column a in the contacts file in Excel then paste the bad list in the first field (beginning with the row containing the contact that belongs to first bad address). if the list is short you could "eyeball" them and drag the bad contacts down as you go or try something with a formula: = if($a$1 = $d$1, "check me", "") where a1 and d1 are the bad address and the contact's address. You'll need to keep sliding the bad address down so it might not save you any time.
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