Create an email brochure - oft file?

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Outlook 2010 64 bit
Email Account

I am looking to create an email brochure that is a one time use mailer. I would like it to have graphics embedded and will personalize it to each person who receives it. The volume will be low like 4-5 per day. I tired to use publisher but it cannot save to an .oft file that outlook requires. Should I just use the tools in outlook to create this brochure? Is there a better way to do what I am doing? I don't think I want to use a service that hosts the photos (they are commercial for sure) and has all the legal ease. I am looking for this to be more personal and we will have had previous contact with the customer. It is not a cold call(mail) situation. What is the right tool to create the email template - recommendations please.
Publisher does not impress me - it tends to make horrible HTML and converts text to images if you don't do it right, but if you want to use it, you will save it as html or send it as email (don't actually send it - you just want it in outlook. :)). Once its in outlook then you can save a template. Because its HTML based, you could also save it as stationery or just save as HTML and use Insert > as text.
Thanks for your reply - am I best served by creating it in outlook based on what I want to do? Any other recommendations or processes you would use?
Use the program you are most comfortable with. But if you use Publisher, test it with messages to yahoo, gmail, and Hotmail addresses so you know what it looks like. There is an option to save as HTML for email (the exact command escapes me at the moment) that makes decent HTML for messages.

I'm more comfortable with FrontPage so I use it to create mail like this. I save as HTML page then use Insert, Insert as text command to put the HTML in the email message.

Or you can create it in Outlook directly. It's not hard to do fancy email in Outlook; i just think its easier to use a tool I'm familiar with when creating more complicated HTML.
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