Outlook Contact Short-Cut In a Folder

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To the Smart Women:D

I have many many contacts and many many folders in Contacts where everything is organized re areas of people.

Is there a way in a folder (or something else, if not) where I can have a shortcuts to other contacts from other folders?

So if I have list of things to do re the particular contacts, I have in the folder a shortcut to each contact and it opens up the contact from another folder?

And if this doesn't do it , is there a macro that can work where I highlight the contact or open it up, and then the macro I run sends the contact shortcut to a a folder in Outlook or to a folder on my computer on the desktop or under my Documents area?

That would be very very helpful!

Thanks so much as usual!!!
Thanks very much.

What does "entryid" mean and how do I do it please?
Hi...Got a moment to tell me how to use entryid to create shortcuts etc? And how it works re what I want to do?
There is free software called linker to windows, and if you do the correct registry, when I click on the contact one time just to identify it, and then I click on this one tab on the computer with is linker to windows, and then I past it to any other microsoft document, like Word 2007 or Excel 2007, it creates the link to that contact. So if someone else needs this, it is much faster.

So then the question is ....is there away to create a folder in the outlook 2007 where you can past the hyperlink in the folder there is the list of the hyperlinks?
Folder home pages would work. Create an HTML page then set it as a folder homepage. Because it hides the contents of a folder, use it on folders you don't need to browse. (Advanced find can be used - when I used folder homepages, I clicked find now without entering criteria to find everything.)
Thank again.

I don't know how to create the HTML page and set it as folder homepate. How and where do i do this please? And this adds it to the outlook 2007 folder area? And I can add a list of links in the folder?
Paste in notepad and save with the htm file extension. replace url in href="url" with the link path and the contact name goes where name is. save. in outlook, right click on a folder, choose properties then folder home page. Browse to select this html file.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" 
<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" / 
<title>Untitled 1</title 
 <a href="url"> name </a 
Thank you as usual.

I don't understand the concepts of copying your code and saving with a htm file extension.....is this what I am pasting to macro from notepad?
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