Thanks again. And here is another thought as maybe this is more simple.
When I created the Task form, in the Page called P2, that is where I added the same form of Comboboxs from the form of the Contact. And as an example, one of the Comboboxs that I copied from the Contact form and pasted it to the Page P2, is called "Next Step" and in the areas of fields of the Contact form the field name is "Next Step"
Then I added to the Page P2 from the Control Toolbox a "text box".
Then in this "text box" I right clicked on it, chose Properites, Value and as to Choose Field, I used the field related to one of the Comboboxs of the Contact default form and used the field "Next Step"
So when I run the form of the Task, and in the Combobox I pick one of the values in the the droplist, and that value automatically shows up in the "Text Box" I added.
So when I open a contact and create the Task that is an Assign Task to the contact, or in the list of contacts, I click on a contact (not open it), go to Actions, Create, New Task For Contact, how can the "Text Box" in the Task receive the value decided from the drop list from the Combobox named "Next Step" in the Contact. And if this is something that can do it, I don't need a combobox in the Task form, just Text Boxs that get the value from specific fields of the Comboboxs or other fields in the Contact to which the Task is assigned.
Maybe this is easier to do perhaps?