2010 outlook today looks like an empty email box

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
I have been using 2007 for ever and rely heavily on outlook today. A few weeks ago I logged into my work/exchange account and outlook today was gone and replaced with what looked like an empty inbox screen. After some research we figured out that the res://C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\1033\outlwvw.dll/outlook.htm was missing. I have made several attempts to add it back. I can paste the command line in but it does not stay when I click ok.

We also tried to upgrade to 2010 with the same result. Interesting I created a new folder in the navigator and called it today and pasted the same addess in and the outlook today shows up under that folder but will not allow me to save anny changes such as folder selection. And if I click on this folder first the outlook today icon in the ribbon outlook today opens. But, as soon as I click on another folder the outlook today folder goes back to looking like and empty in box.

Also to complicate things even more if I open in safe mode outlook today opens fine but will not allow me to save any changes. I have disabled all add ins.
Clicking the Restore Defaults button (on the Home page tab where the url goes) didn't help?

Could the administrator have pushed out a policy that disabled outlook today? Oh... did you upgrade to IE11 about the same time it broke?
I tried clicking on the restore default button and nothing happens. The home page check box is blank unless I put something in the file path box. As far as IE 11 as far as I know we have not.
I have been using 2007 for ever and rely heavily on outlook today. A few weeks ago I logged into my work/exchange account and outlook today was gone and replaced with what looked like an empty inbox screen. After some research we figured out that the res://C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\1033\outlwvw.dll/outlook.htm was missing. I have made several attempts to add it back. I can paste the command line in but it does not stay when I click ok.

We also tried to upgrade to 2010 with the same result. Interesting I created a new folder in the navigator and called it today and pasted the same addess in and the outlook today shows up under that folder but will not allow me to save anny changes such as folder selection. And if I click on this folder first the outlook today icon in the ribbon outlook today opens. But, as soon as I click on another folder the outlook today folder goes back to looking like and empty in box.

Also to complicate things even more if I open in safe mode outlook today opens fine but will not allow me to save any changes. I have disabled all add ins.

Sorry to be a pest, any ideas on what might be causing this? It is driving me crazy!:confused::confused:
I just figured out the issue and want to make sure I post it so everyone knows how to fix in case the same issue happens to them. The issue happened because Outlook Today was disabled in the registry. Why - who knows?

To fix, open regedit and navigate to HKEY_Current_User\software\microsoft\office14

Outlook - Today folder click on the today folder

The key for Disable should have a zero at the end not a one. Change the one to a zero and reatart outlook, you might need to recopy the address res://C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\1033\OUTLWVW.DLL/outlook3.htm apply and OK.

Everything is now working great!
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