Reply from non-authorised mailbox

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Outlook version
Outlook 2013 64 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
We use a common mailbox as storage file (Public folders cannot be used, don't ask why). All users can save messages there. But when we reply on a message from the storage, we don't want Outlook to use the mailboxname 'Storage' as sender. So this is disallowed, when sending from the storage mailbox, the user has to manually change the 'from'-field to his own account.

But when the user forgets this, there is different behaviour:

- not desired: the mail seems to be sent, but seconds later the user receives a message that this was not allowed and the mail is not sent. So go to your sent item, select the message, resend etc. A lot of clicking.

- desired: there is an immediate popup stating that sending from this mailbox is not allowed.

We use different versions of Outlook (2007-2013), but even between identical Outlook versions there is different behaviour. One user receives a mail, the other user a popup. Does anyone know what affects this behaviour? How can we force it to show a popup?

Or even better: can I force Outlook to always use my main account? There is a setting 'Always use the default account', but this has no affect when replying to messages.

I've just been playing with a couple of scripts (my goal is different, it's to forward on an email to a support system using the original senders emails address).

Can i offer an idea?

A little VBA to do the following:

Keep in mind this isn't a fully filled out idea, and someone else will know better :) This is just what I would do (unless told otherwise).

Sub ReplyonBehalfof()  
   'source: (on behalf of)
Dim helpdeskaddress As String 
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem 
Dim strbody As String 
Dim oldmsg As String 
Dim senderaddress As String 
Dim addresstype As Integer 
Set objitem = GetCurrentItem() 
Set objMail = objitem.Reply 
objMail.SentOnBehalfOfName = "Your Account Name"  'found in Account Settings/Name 
' Sender E=mail Address 
senderaddress = objMail.SentOnBehalfOfName 
'Searches for @ in the email address to determine if it is an exchange user 
addresstype = InStr(senderaddress, "@") 
' If the address is an Exchange DN use the Senders Name 
If addresstype = 0 Then 
senderaddress = objMail.SentOnBehalfOfName 
End If 
'adds the senders e-mail address as the created by object for the ticket and appends the message body 
strbody = vbNewLine & vbNewLine & objitem.Body 
objMail.Subject = "RE: " & objitem.Subject 
objMail.SentOnBehalfOfName = senderaddress 
' remove the comment from below to display the message before sending 
'Automatically Send the ticket 
Set objitem = Nothing 
Set objMail = Nothing 
End Sub 
Function GetCurrentItem() As Object 
Dim objApp As Outlook.Application 
Set objApp = Application 
On Error Resume Next 
Select Case TypeName(objApp.ActiveWindow) 
Case "Explorer" 
Set GetCurrentItem = _ 
Case "Inspector" 
Set GetCurrentItem = _ 
Case Else 
End Select 
End Function

The problem would be you would need to get all users to implement the VBA, however whenever you replied to an email marked from that storage unit it would automatically adjust to use your main account.
Thanks for your reply. I'll play with this script for a bit.

Of course, it is somewhat 'working around the problem' instead of fixing the problem. I would rather have Outlook respond to my forgetfullnes with a popup. Using a script means that I have to remember to use a different button when responding to an email, which is similar to remembering to manually change the From-address.


I've just been playing with a couple of scripts (my goal is different, it's to forward on an email to a support system using the original senders emails address).

Can i offer an idea?

A little VBA to do the following:

> ..

All users can write, delete, move, make folders, etc. The only right we don't have is sending on behalf of the account. It's a hosted Exchange, I've asked the administrator how it's set up technically.

(unfortunaltely, they weren't able to help me on this question).


The always use default account applies to new messages, not replies. What permissions do the users have to the shared mailbox?
If your mail was easily identifiable somehow, category, unique email (ie you wouldn't otherwise send an email to them), etc why not look at adapting an easy little VBA such as ..

If category = ID then

msg box warning.

Diane posted another script in a topic earlier that checked for a subject, that could be adapted.

I'd share mine I have but I'm not at my PC to get it.

As long as you have something unique to that process (even subject text you can search in) you can have a custom prompt unless you want it to prompt on every mail.

I want to get the popup when sending a message from an account that is not my own. I like your suggestion. Can I get some VBA script to trigger everytime I press the Send button?

If your mail was easily identifiable somehow, category, unique email (ie you wouldn't otherwise send an email to them), etc why not look at adapting an easy little VBA such as ..

If category = ID then

msg box warning.

Diane posted another script in a topic earlier that checked for a subject, that could be adapted.

I'd share mine I have but I'm not at my PC to get it.

As long as you have something unique to that process (even subject text you can search in) you can have a custom prompt unless you want it to prompt on every mail.


Try changing this:

This is all you need to check for attachments - it looks for the word attach in the message body.

Private WithEvents oItem As MailItem 
Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)
  If InStr(1, Item.Body, "attach", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
       If Item.Attachments.Count = 0 Then
         answer = MsgBox("There's no attachment, send anyway?", vbYesNo)
         If answer = vbNo Then Cancel = True
       End If
  End If 
End Sub

for reply all, see

Change the subject search to item.SenderName = sender name

You'd need the right object info though, but it's easy to find 'right click, object' menu in the VBA screen.

Sorry I can't be more precise but I don't have access to my code.

It will trigger every time you send an email from the account you nominate.

Check my thread about MoveAgedMail I might have included the right item.Sender object in there :)
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