jump to body in open message with one keyboard shortcut?

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Outlook version
Outlook 2010 32 bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
I know about TAB and shift-TAB and also SPACE/shift-SPACE But please read on.
I like to do as much as possible over the keyboard. But for this, I did not find a shortcut. Is there one?

If I receive a message which has several pages of text, I obviously need to scroll the body part of the open message to read. Yet, if I open a message, the body part is not active. I first have to click into the body part to be able to use the arrow keys or page up/down. I can TAB into the body, but unfortunately, depending on the message type, if it's part of a thread or some other reasons I was not able to figure out, I have to TAB between 1 and 5 times to end up in the body part. Only then I can use the arrow or pg-up/pg-down keys.

If I had the reading pane enabled, I could use SPACE or shift-SPACE. Yet, if I open the message in a separate window, that does not work.

Is there a keyboard shortcut that allows me to directly scroll the body of an open message?

Try F6 to jump to the message. Oh wait, that might be reading pane. :(

In Outlook 2013 (haven't checked 2010 yet), the body is active when you open the message, if you don't click elsewhere or press the alt key.
Thanks Diane,

Pity... but perhaps a compelling reason to switch to 2013? ;-)
It might be the only compelling reason. :) Actually, I really like 2013 but a lot of people don't like the blandness, whiteness of it. Once you get past that (turning monitor brightness down about 20% helps) Outlook 2013 is nice IMHO.
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