Custom Forms: Question about retaining form information throughout the entire conversation

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Outlook 2010 32 bit
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Exchange Server 2010

Sorry if this has already been addressed, I wasn't really sure what exactly to search for to find my answers.

I'm trying to create a custom form that will retain the details input throughout the entire email conversation. I've managed to create it so that when you first send it out, the recipient is able to view the data that the sender input into the form by modifying the read page in the designer, but in subsequent replies, all that information disappears.

Is that information still there but just not visible and I'm missing something or am I misunderstanding the use of a custom outlook form and I'm trying to use it in a way it wasn't designed to be used?

Also if possible, I'd like it so the recipient can modify a single field which I would also like retained in the subsequent replies.

Would anyone be able to enlighten me or point me in the right direction?
Do the subsequent recipients get the form too? Is the form published to the org library? The values should stick with the form as long as you use separate read and compose pages, but its possible the fields are being overwritten by the default values when it's sent around.

To see if the values are there, open the completed message in form designer and look at the fields tab - are the values in the fields?
So when I first built the form I only created the compose page, when I tried sending it to another mailbox I had access to the information wasn't visible on the receiving end.

After doing a little digging around I finally ended up creating the read page in the designer with the difference between the two pages being the read page, the input fields were all read-only.

From there, when I tried sending it from one box to the next, it showed up properly. The thing is, when the recipient box replies to the email, the fields disappear and it looks like a regular email again.

To answer your questions, at the moment the form is only published to my personal form library. The form I built is meant for use by my group and one other group only so there isn't a need to have it published to the Exchange server. I plan on having the form published to the shared mailboxes in question and their users manually later.

The first recipient as stated previously does get the form as I intended and when I open the message in the designer it does show my defined fields. When I reply to that email though, the info disappears. I opened message where the information disappeared in the designer and there are no user defined fields listed.
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