Add-in "always enabled" but Outlook 13 won't open

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Outlook version
Outlook 2013 64 bit
Email Account
I have two add-ins in Outlook13, 64 bit, SimplyFile and X1 (both are 64 bit compatible). When I first start Outlook13, I get the splash screen and then it says "Outlook has stopped working . . . Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." So I click "Close program." I start Outlook again. When I start it again, it opens up, fine with the yellow notice at the top that says "Add-In Problem." I view the add-ins and both Simply File and X1 are noted saying they caused Outlook to "start slowly" (.031 secs and .047 secs) but they were not "disabled because it's in the always enable list." Outlook works 100% fine after that as do the add-ins.

I have contacted Simply File and X1, downloaded their most recent versions as they said to do. But this problem still persists, can't start Outlook the first time, then, second time all is fine. So, I how do I get Outlook13 to just load the first time without closing the program?

Oh the horrors! The addins slow Outlook down by a split second. (I, and many developers, hate this 'feature'. Frickin' thing even disables Microsoft installed addins for being slow.)

Enough of the attempt at humor :), has it always done this or did it start recently?
Thanks for that reply. As a nonprogrammer, I thought I didn't get it and it really was taking much longer to load. Hilarious. But, yes, since the day I installed Outlook 13, 64 bit, it has done this. I thought using Outlook 13 would stop this because I had a similar error message in Outlook 10. Not to be. I'd be happy if the program would just start up the first time. It works perfectly after I go through the second start---after Outlook 13 does it's obligatory crash and tells me it's looking for a solution then is closing.
Well, that rules out it being an update and puts it squarely on the back of Outlook being a slave driver 'faster, faster, FASTER!"

Does it load ok if you disable one of the addins? (I'm wondering if the addins conflict with each other.)
I'll try that and report back, but, if it helps, on cold boot it will always fail to load, I end up clicking the button to shut down, then I restart Outlook and it's fine. Most of the time, but not always, if I shut down Outlook and then start up again in the same "session," (a warm boot), then it will load fine without restart. So, maybe your on to it by thinking the add-ins click. I'll let you know in a few hours.
When neither the x1 add-in nor the SimplyFile add-in are enabled, Outlook opens normally. If I disable one and not the other, Outlook opens normally. So, problem is confined to when both are trying to load. But why does that cause the first attempt to start Outlook to always fail? Then the second start to always open?

[typo fixed]
Sorry, I see in my last post I didn't say it right in the opening sentence. Should have said that when both x1 and SimplyFile are disabled, Outlook starts normally with no messages. Sorry for any confusion.

Thank you! I'll wait to hear from you and appreciate the help.
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