How do I get the database tool to recognize my data file?

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Julieanne Newberry

New Member
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Outlook 2013 32 bit
Email Account
I set up BCM on my desktop and now want to share with the rest of the office. I downloaded BCM database tool on the C drive of the server and all was well until I tried to move through the wizard. The only option that gets me to a data file is creating a database. However, I receive the error message "Cannot create a new database. The operation has been rolled back. Please make sure the database service is running". How can I make this work? Truthfully, I don't want to create a new database - I have already set one up; Restore only gives me the database server instance but no choices for the database name list. I have installed BCM on another co-workers desktop and allowed the database to be shared with her. What more am I missing? Why can't I get the server to see the data file?
1. The BCM database has to be created over the Outlook addin
2. the BCM database tool is only for installing and managing a shared database on a remote server
3. If runnning in your local macine goto Outlook - file - business Contact Manager - manage databse - create new; after that got to share database in the Business Contact Manager Menu (file - business Contact Manager) and share it.

If you get the error message cannot create databse, check if alle required SQL Server installations are installed in your desktop pc

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