No Show Group on ribbon

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Outlook version
Outlook 2013 32 bit
Email Account
I know how to request a delivery receipt and a read receipt in Outlook 2013. My problem is that the Show Group and its tracking icon do not appear on the ribbon even when I have received a reply that a message for which I have requested a delivery/read receipt has been delivered/read. I go back to the original message in Sent and open it and click on Message but there is no Show Group on the ribbon. What must I do?
This is with the pop account? It should show automatically. The responses might not update automatically if the TNEF data is removed, but the Tracking tab should be present. I'll see if i can repro.
Diane, thank you for taking an interest. I'm afraid that I am not sure about the pop account bit with Outlook. I am running Windows 8.1 Pro. My other email using Microsoft Outlook is a pop/smtp type through my isp. Thank you for whatever help you can offer. Margaret
Diane, on further investigation the Type is Exchange active sync. Does this make sense and affect the matter? Thanks again.
Thank you, Diane. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you - I was away for a while.

I note that you say that does not support tracking. Is that the same for Outlook 2013 as part of the Microsoft Office 2013 suite, which is what I have? If so, it's very strange because the help function covers tracking and there are even videos online showing one how to do it. It just doesn't work in my Outlook 2013 32 bit! Does it work on your Outlook 2013 64 bit?

If tracking is indeed not supported in Outlook 2013 32 bit, do you know if there is any intention on the part of Microsoft to produce a fix?

Thanks for your help.

Outlook 2013 supports tracking, just not with email accounts.

Tracking also requires TNEF data on the message to process - there is a chance this will be lost if using or sending to an Internet account (POP3 or IMAP), but generally speaking, it should work the majority of the time when you use Outlook desktop with IMAP, POP3 or Exchange accounts.
Diane, I believe that you have put your finger on the source of the problem. After experimenting, I now see that tracking doesn't work in Outlook 2013 for messages I send through my account and there is no Show Group on the ribbon. However, when I send a message through Outlook 2013 using my other account which uses pop/smtp and send the message to another pop/smtp account, then the tracking system works and I have the Show Group on the ribbon.

In the latter case, I also get pop-up messages to tell me that the message has been delivered and then read. Thereafter, I can continue to see the "message has been read" information but the message delivered information vanishes. I suppose the logic is that if it has been read then it must have been delivered!

Thank you very much for your knowledgeable help. Mystery solved!
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