But still, you don’t need to fright, since you can restore the damaged/corrupt Priv1.edb file with a manual method [ link removed ]
1. First of all you need to initiate the Exchange information store and then write down all of the errors.
2. Now halt Exchange information store and then from the ‘Bin’ folder, run the commands given below:
C:\exchsrvr\bin>eseutil /mh ..\mdbdata\priv1.edb"
3. You need to now authenticate the ‘State’ line in the output. Also, make sure that all the files are steady. In case, you discover any of the files incompatible, carry out a soft recovery process. And, to execute such recovery process, you just need to move to the folder where the log files along with the database are placed. After performing this, just make sure to run the subsequent at the command prompt:
C:\Program Files\exchsrvr\MDBDATA>"C:\Program Files\exchsrvr\BIN\eseutil" /r E00
4. Once again, it is vital for you to make sure the steadiness of both the public and private information store.
5. If the files are steady, then skip the next step.
If the databases are found to be inconsistent, then it is significant for you to carry out a hard repair. To perform this, run the commands given below:
C:\Program Files\exchsrvr\MDBDATA>"C:\Program Files\exchsrvr\BIN\eseutil" /p priv1.edb
6. From Mbdata folder, eliminate the log files now which is very crucial.
7. Eliminate the 'Temp.edb' file. and '.chk' file.
8. You need to now mount the databases and then, dismount them immediately.
9. At last, you need to discontinue the ESS(Exchange information store ) and then you should defragment both private and public store DBs. To do the same, run the following commands:
For Pub.edb:
C:\Program Files\exchsrvr\BIN>eseutil /d
C:\Program Files\exchsrvr\MDBDATA\pub1.edb
For Priv.edb:
C:\Program Files\exchsrvr\BIN>eseutil /d
C:\Program Files\exchsrvr\MDBDATA\priv1.edb
10. Now, run the 'Isinteg.exe' utility just to make sure that each database is steady.
C:\Program Files\exchsrvr\BIN>isinteg -s (servername) -fix -test alltests
11. Lastly, restart the Exchange information store to recover the corrupt PRIV, PRIV1, Pub, and Pub1 Exchange Database Files.