Outlook.com account overrules default account

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Outlook 2016 64 bit
Email Account
When i start Outlook 2016 then the outlook.com account is opened and not the default account!
On the right side of Outlook 2016 is Outlook.com on top and default account below. It is not possible to move default account on top.
In Tab E-mail you can see that my @chello.nl is the default account and not outlook.com account.
In Tab Data files you can see that @oulook.com is the default account.
It is not possible to change @chello.nl into default account.
I tried and got the message:
The format of the selected Outlook data file (. PST) cannot be used. Outlook data files (.PST)
must have the same format as the offline Outlook data files (.OST). Select a matching Outlook
data file (.PST) or disable the cache mode in the accountsettings.

Both accounts are .OST!!!
What can i do to change my default into a real default?
In Tab Data files you can see that @oulook.com is the default account.
Technically, it's not the default account, it's the default data file.

chello.nl is an imap account? We don't recommend setting imap data files as the default data file - your calendar & contacts will be stored in "this computer only" folders and are at risk of getting lost. It can certainly be set as the default email account even though the data file is not default.

If you really want it as default, do you have all updates installed? I thought they fixed it... other way i know to make it work is here - Set Another Data File as Default When Using an Exchange Account - and step 5 isn't an option for outlook.com account but it may work if you follow the other steps.
chello.nl is an imap account? My provider, Chello, is a part of Ziggo. Ziggo again a part of UPC/Liberty Global USA.

The computer club had a help desk in Gmail but has transferred this to Outlook.com. Hence the problems any inconvience.
I take the link with the "scholars" of the club and see if we can fix it. I'll keep you informed.
It will probably be the beginning of september.
Thanks for the advice.

With best regards,

Erik Kroese (Alias Piedro)
If you only need outlook.com for email, not calendar & contacts, you can add it to outlook as imap (use the manual setup option) - then you can definitely set your account's data file as default.
The solution is very simple!
Open Outlook/ File/ Options/ Advanced
Start and exit Outlook::
Click Browse by "Outlook start in this folder", click on Inbox of the
desired account OK.

Now this problem:
The Outlook account is on top. How do I get my own account on top?
Simply shift does not work!
Ah... the problem was the start up folder, not which account was the default account. As for the account on top, you can drag the folders up and down the list (provided the Show all folders A-Z button is NOT highlighted - it's on the Folder tab)
I told you, the default problem is solved.

Second question:
In the Outlook Naviagation Pane are two accounts. I want to have the default account on the top of the navigation pane, and dragging fails!!
Drag did it!!
When you drag the account too far then account jumps back again.
Thaks a lot!



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