Importing Ribbons Not Saved

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Outlook 365 64 bit
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I was using Outlook 2010 and just moved to Outlook 2016 (using Office 365). In both versions, I created custom ribbons for my contacts, tasks, editing emails, reading emails, opening screen and tasks. I exported the ribbons to a file so I can have them for future use.

In both 2010 and 2016 the ribbons I created revert back to default ribbons. How and when it happens I do not know. It is random. It happens to all the custom ribbons. For example, my custom contact ribbon would be OK and then when I open another contact the custom ribbon had been replaced. I import the custom ribbon again and go through the same process.

I have tried repair, new profile, reset the ribbons, etc. No matter what I do, eventually I lose my custom imported ribbons.

Am I just miss-understanding the use of custom ribbons?

Thank you for your time.

i don't think you misunderstand anything... but i have noticed they are not stable when using the UI files on other computers (not the import of an exported backup). I back that folder up with Mozy and had to recover files many times. I finally gave up and made a new ribbon and so far, it seems to be ok.

Thank you.

When you say "made a new ribbon", may I ask what you mean?

For the ribbons I created, I open "Customize the Ribbon" and uncheck everything, I then create a new tab with groups under that tab. I add in the commands I want and then export my settings to a file. I then click OK to start using my custom settings. It works OK for a bit, but then it reverts back. I then import my custom ribbon and go through the same process again where the ribbon reverts and I import my exported settings.

When you say "made a new ribbon", is there a different approach since you noted it seems to be working OK.


I keep trying different things in Outlook 2016 but my imported ribbon never stays around long. You noted above you had some luck creating a new ribbon.

I had provided my steps in my previous reply, but the custom ribbons just do not stay around. I have to keep importing them.

Are you doing something different when you noted "I finally gave up and made a new ribbon and so far, it seems to be ok."

Thank you.


In your initial reply on August 25, you noted
I finally gave up and made a new ribbon and so far, it seems to be ok.

May I ask how you created your new ribbon. Maybe I'm just missing a step since each time I access ribbons, customize, export it to save, it never sticks. I continually need to import the exported ribbon.

Do you know if there was any change with the ribbons? No matter how many times I create a new ribbon, it does not stick. I create it, export it, and multiple times I need to import again just to go through the same process again.

When i make a ribbon, it sticks, mostly. I discovered restoring the customui file instead of importing the ribbon tended to break things. Are you using a user account or an administrator account?

Thank you. I've always just exported/imported the custom file through the "Customize the Ribbon" dialog. I am an Admin on my W10 machine.
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