Custom Signature Not Displayed When Account Selected

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Outlook version
Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account

I am using a procedure to choose the correct account for sending a new e-mail that I adapted from this forum. The correct account is based on the Outlook folder I am in. Thanx! I can successfully choose the correct account, but the signature for the correct account does not show. Outlook always uses the default signature, no matter what account I choose. How can I correct this?



I am trying to choose a sendmail account and then use the correct signature for that account. Here's what I have so far:

Private Sub m_Inspector_Activate()

If TypeName(m_Inspector.CurrentItem) = "MailItem" And m_Inspector.CurrentItem.Sent = False Then

Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim OutApp As Outlook.Application
Dim strBuffer As String
Dim objSignatureFile As Object
Set OutApp = Application
Set objMail = m_Inspector.CurrentItem
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
enviro = CStr(Environ("appdata"))

If objMail.Sent = False Then
MsgBox "Setting SendAccount Next " + OutApp.Session.accounts.Item(2)
objMail.SendUsingAccount = OutApp.Session.accounts.Item(2)

' Set Signature File Name
strSigFilePath = enviro & "\Microsoft\Signatures\"
Set objSignatureFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strSigFilePath & "gcu.htm")
strBuffer = objSignatureFile.ReadAll

' Need code here to replace default signature with the specific one I have indicated.

End If

End If

Set m_Inspector = Nothing

End Sub
This is just a test at this point. I have not yet included the logic to choose the sendmail account. I am just trying to get the basics to work! :)

I think I have everything correct so far. What I don't know how to do is to replace the default signature with the one I want.

All help appreciated!

Thanx. :)

Hi all -

I finally figured out the code to do what I need. This checks to see if the folder is called "GCU" or if it is a subfolder of "GCU." If so, it chooses a specific account to send the e-mail and uses a GCU signature instead of the default:

Private Sub m_Inspector_Activate()

' First, check to see if the current item is an email and that it has not been sent.
If TypeName(m_Inspector.CurrentItem) = "MailItem" _
And m_Inspector.CurrentItem.Sent = False Then

Dim MyCurrentFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim MyCurrentFolderParent As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim OutApp As Outlook.Application
Dim strBuffer As String
Dim objSignatureFile As Object

Set MyCurrentFolder = Application.ActiveExplorer.currentFolder
Set MyCurrentFolderParent = Application.ActiveExplorer.currentFolder.Parent
'Debug.Print MyCurrentFolder + "  " + MyCurrentFolderParent
Set OutApp = Application
Set objMail = m_Inspector.CurrentItem
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

enviro = CStr(Environ("appdata"))

' Only runs if in folder GCU or a subfolder ("1-Pending Reviews" and "My Learners"
' are GCU subfolders that also have subfolders.
If MyCurrentFolder = "GCU" Or MyCurrentFolderParent = "GCU" Or MyCurrentFolderParent = _
"1-Pending Reviews" Or MyCurrentFolderParent = "My Learners" Then

If objMail.Sent = False Then
    objMail.SendUsingAccount = OutApp.Session.accounts.Item(2)
    strSigFilePath = enviro & "\Microsoft\Signatures\"
    Set objSignatureFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strSigFilePath & "gcu.htm")
    strBuffer = objSignatureFile.ReadAll
    ' Writes the signature to the email mesage
    With objMail
        .HTMLBody = strBuffer
    End With
    End If

End If

End If

Set m_Inspector = Nothing

End Sub

I have two questions:

1. Every time this bombed during development, I had to shut down and restart Outlook to get it to trigger when an email is opened. Why? Is there some way I could have avoided that?
2. Why does this need to go in ThisOulookSession rather than a code Module?


PS: Thanx to Diane P. for the help!!
All -

I have encountered a problem. The code throws an error 438 (Object does not support property or method) when I open a calendar item. The offending code is:
If TypeName(m_Inspector.CurrentItem) = "MailItem" And m_Inspector.CurrentItem.Sent = False Then
I thought this checked to see if the item triggering the procedure was a "MailItem." No?
Fixed it:
' First, check to see if the current item is an email and that it has not been sent.

If TypeName(m_Inspector.CurrentItem) = "AppointmentItem" = False Then

If TypeName(m_Inspector.CurrentItem) = "MailItem" _
And m_Inspector.CurrentItem.Sent = False Then

The new line after the comment makes sure it is not a calendar item.

Thanx, no! Seems to be working. However, it works too well. :( I want to add the signature to the bottom of an e-mail, not replace the body of the e-mail with the signature. Right now, if I REPLY to an e-mail, the original e-mail is "replaced" by the signature. I'm sure this is because of the code:
 With objMail
        .HTMLBody = strBuffer
    End With

Is there an option to HTMLBody that will just add the signature to the bottom of the REPLY?


Hi -

I figured it out. I still have some problems getting the right signature to go "when" I want it, though. The code works fine for new e-mails, but the default signature is added to replies. I will need to write code that detects a reply. I think I can figure it out.

I did have two questions you might be able to help me with, though.

1. Every time this bombed during development, I had to shut down and restart Outlook to get it to trigger when an email is opened. Why? Is there some way I could have avoided that?
2. Why does this need to go in ThisOulookSession rather than a code Module?


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