Thank you Diane.
There are so many fields to select, it is a bit strange that this one is missing, given the many other fields to select from.
I have a task to do something
I did so.
However, I should do it again next week and the week thereafter and thereafter, the coming 3 months.
So, I use the postpone option *
There are options for hours, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, etc.
Now, I did postpone it and it should start reminding me after ?? days
But ... was it 3 days, 4 days .. what? (Am not sure what I selected).
I wanted to find out and noticed such column did and does not exist and the 'reminder date' remained the same, i.e. the original date,
not the postpone date.
*Note: I am not so much in favour of a recurring task.
I had a few in the past, but when I didn't need them anymore, I couldn't get rid of them, I got errors when setting them complete,
errors when changing dates, when trying to delete them, whatever.
Hence my 'workaround' - create a task and if it should be repeated, I use the postpone option.