vba to secure zip attachments

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Outlook 2019 64-bit
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I am hoping someone can pull me out of this . . . I am trying to identify emails that have attachments then zip those attachments together with a password. I end up with different errors but can't seem to get it. One of the main errors is with PKZip in the command line saying "Nothing to do". I am sure it has something to do with how I am trying to tell it which files to zip.

Anyway, here is what I have. It is a mixed bag of pieces I have gotten elsewhere and trying to put them together.

If I am way off base and need to scrap it & start over, please tell me that as well. Also, there is likely extraneous junk in the code below simply because I keep trying different things.

Thank you for any guidance you can provide.
Sub ZipdAttach()

    Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim objAttachments As Outlook.Attachments
    Dim objAttachment As Outlook.Attachment
    Dim objFileSystem As Object
    Dim objShell As Object
    Dim varTempFolder As Variant
    Dim varZipFile As Variant
    Dim myDir As String
    Dim dest As Variant
    Dim srce As Variant
    Dim strCommand As String
    Dim val As String
    'Save the attachments to Temporary folder
    Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    varTempFolder = objFileSystem.GetSpecialFolder(2).Path & "\Temp " & Format(Now, "dd-mm-yyyy- hh-mm-ss-")
    MkDir (varTempFolder)
    varTempFolder = varTempFolder & "\"
    Set objMail = Outlook.Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
    Set objAttachments = objMail.Attachments
    For Each objAttachment In objAttachments
        objAttachment.SaveAsFile (varTempFolder & objAttachment.FileName)
   'Create a new zip file
    varZipFile = InputBox("Specify a name for the new zip file", "Name Zip File", objMail.Subject)
    varZipFile = varTempFolder & varZipFile
    'Copy all the saved attachments to the new zip file
     Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

val = InputBox("Give me an 8 character password.")
myDir = "C:\Program Files\PKWARE\PKZIPC"
dest = varZipFile
srce = varTempFolder
strCommand = "pkzipc.exe -add -passphrase=" & val & " " & dest & " " & srce
Call Shell("cmd.exe /k cd /d " & myDir & " & " & strCommand, 1)

End Sub
>> Also, there is likely extraneous junk in the code below simply because I keep trying different things.
LOL. A lot of my code has unnecessary junk in it for the same reason.

Try this change:
srce = varTempFolder & *.*

From the way i read the documentation, it should add the folder contents when you use just the folder, but designating all files in the folder works here.
Last edited:
I'm sorry I didn't get back with you to say thank you. When I tried your answer, it worked great & I got carried away with the rest of the project. Anyway, while I am sure my code is "less than elegant" to say the least, this works for me if it will help someone else.
Thank you again to Diane for her guidance that made it all finally work!

Sub ZipAttach()
    Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim objAttachments As Outlook.Attachments
    Dim objAttachment As Outlook.attachment
    Dim objFileSystem As Object
    Dim varTempFolder As String
    Dim varzipfile As String
    Dim val As String
    Dim n As String
    Dim srce As String
    Dim dest As String
'    Dim sender As Outlook.AddressEntry
    n = (Format(Now, "dd-mm-yyyy- hh-mm-ss-")) 'the folder name where attachments are saved & converted
    val = InputBox("Create password of at least 8 characters.")
            If StrPtr(val) = 0 Then 'Cancel was pressed
            ' Handle what to do if cancel pressed
            Exit Sub
            ElseIf Len(strM) < 8 Then 'Not enough characters entered
            MsgBox "You must enter at least 8 characters."
            GoTo EnterVal
            End If

       'Save the attachments to Temporary folder
    Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    varTempFolder = objFileSystem.GetSpecialFolder(2).Path & "\Temp " & n
    MkDir (varTempFolder)
    varTempFolder = varTempFolder & "\"
    Set objMail = Outlook.Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
    Set objAttachments = objMail.Attachments
    For Each objAttachment In objAttachments
        objAttachment.SaveAsFile (varTempFolder & objAttachment.FileName)
    dest = "protectedfiles.zip"
    srce = """" & varTempFolder & "*.*" & """"
    Cmd2 = "CD " & varTempFolder
    cmd3 = "pkzipc.exe -add -passphrase=" & val & " " & "protectedfiles.zip" & " " & srce
    Connector = " & "
    Commands = "cmd.exe /c " & Cmd2 & Connector & cmd3
    Debug.Print Commands
    pid = Shell(Commands, vbNormalFocus)
Set objAttachments = objMail.Attachments
     While objAttachments.Count > 0

varzipfile = varTempFolder & "protectedfiles.zip"
Pause (2)
objMail.Attachments.Add varzipfile
'DelFolder (varTempFolder)
'Get the address of the person you are sending to
        Dim olObj As Object
        Set olObj = Application.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
        TheMail = olObj.Recipients.Item(1).Address
        Set olObj = Nothing
'Now, email yourself the password
    Dim s As String
    Dim obApp As Object
    Dim NewMail As MailItem
    Set obApp = Outlook.Application
    Set NewMail = obApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)

User = CreateObject("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI").CurrentUser.Address
    'You can change the concrete info as per your needs
    With NewMail
         .Subject = TheMail & " Password Sent " & n
         .To = User
         .Body = "Password used was " & """" & val & """"
         '.Attachments.Add ("C:\Attachments\Test File.docx")
         '.Importance = olImportanceHigh
    End With
    Set obApp = Nothing
    Set NewMail = Nothing
End Sub
Public Sub Pause(Seconds As Single)
    Dim TimeEnd As Single
    TimeEnd = Timer + Seconds
    While Timer < TimeEnd
End Sub

I will eventually clean it up as much as my novice self can do. I will then replace this with the cleaned up version.
I suggest you change the program a little and test command in the command prompt. Once you have that working try it in VBA. I added quotes around program exe since it has space.
Sub Zip_Test1()

Dim source As String, Mstr As String, target As String, password As String
Dim file As Variant
Dim cmd As String

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Mstr = "C:\Users\Desktop\Test"

For Each file In CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetFolder(Mstr).Files
source = Chr$(34) & "C:\Users\Desktop\Test\" & file.Name & Chr$(34)

target = "C:\Users\Desktop\Zipped\"
password = Chr$(34) & "Abcd1234" & Chr$(34)
cmd = """" & "C:\Program Files\PKWARE\PKZIPW\pkzipw.exe" & """" & " -add -pass=" & password & " " & target & " " & source
Debug.Print cmd '' Copy command in Immediate window and paste in Command Prompt.

Shell (cmd)

Exit Sub ''Exit for testing
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

Hope this helps!
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