Manual Archiving 2016

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Outlook 2016 32 bit
Email Account
Since upgrading to Outlook 2016 a couple of years ago, I haven't done any archiving. I only used manual archiving to move emails from each year into its own PST file. All emails from 2017 are in 2017.pst. With 2016, I can't figure out how to do that. The only tutorials don't match what I'm seeing in Outlook. I realize there are many posts here about this topic, but I'm having trouble positively identifying the issue. In my case, I have four email accounts in Outlook. One of them is a Microsoft (formerly Office) 365 account.

How can I export all emails in a POP account that were received in 2018 to an account called 2018.pst? My archives go back to 2002, and I really don't want to change my routine absent an explanation that a newer system is better. I use some online backups, but I don't want to use online only. I've had a bad experience with Carbonite that persuaded me that I should always maintain local copies of my data.

Thank you for SlipStick. You've saved me many times!
They changed the name of the manual archive feature in 2016 - and if online archive is enabled for your exchange mailbox, manual archive is removed from outlook. It's now called Clean Up Old Items and is on the File menu > Tools
There is no Clean Up Old Items in Tools. I have Mailbox Cleanup, Empty Deleted Items Folder, and Set Archive Folder. My Outlook is 2016 MSO (16.0.12730.20144) 32-bit.

If I cannot archive the old way (create a .pst file, archive all items older than 1/1/2019 to 2018.pst), how do I manually create a .pst file and then drag messages to that folder manually?
You can archive items manually whenever you want. That way, you can control which items to archive, where to store them, and how old an item needs to be before it can be archived.

  1. Do one of the following:
  • In Outlook 2013: Click File > Info > Cleanup Tools > Archive.
  • In Outlook 2016: Click File > Info > Tools > Clean up old items
2. Click the Archive this folder and all subfolders option, and choose the folder you want to archive.
3. Under Archive items older than, enter a date.
4. You can create multiple .pst files if you want to archive some folders using different settings. For example, you may want to keep items in your Sent folder longer than items in your Inbox folder.
5. Check the Include items with “Do not AutoArchive” checked box to archive individual items that are excluded from automatic archiving. This option doesn't remove that exclusion from these items, but instead ignores the Do not AutoArchive setting for this archive only.
6. Click OK
You have a business exchange account in the profile that includes an online archive? The ability to archive to a pst is removed from outlook in that case - from all accounts.

You have a business exchange account in the profile that includes an online archive? The ability to archive to a pst is removed from outlook in that case - from all accounts.

View attachment 3030
Yes. That's exactly what I have. So how do I clean out my POP account (archiving, not deleting?) It looks like I have to remove the Exchange account. That's really bizarre.
I wonder if you could create a 2nd, temporary profile.
Create just the POP account in it, accessing the existing POP data file. Then create the archive and move the old mail into it.
Then go back to using the original profile, and provide access to the archive by opening it in the original profile.
A separate profile with no exchange account is the easiest - you can copy the profile then delete exchange from the profile - first copy the exchange ost at %localappdata%\microsoft\outlook and after you delete the account from one profile, rename the copy back to the original file name. This way you don't need to redownload all of the mail in that account.
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