Backing Up Exchange Calendar

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Outlook 365 64 bit
Email Account
I would like an automated method to backup my Exchange calendar ( account on my Win 10 Outlook 365 desktop).
If you have any suggestions on backing exchange calendar would appreciate it. If not then do you have a suggestion on how I can automatically have a POP calendar to mirror my Exchange calendar?
You'd need to use a macro to back it up automatically.

>> I can automatically have a POP calendar to mirror my Exchange calendar?
As in copy the exchange calendar to calendar in the pop account's data file? You'll need to use a macro for that.

This macro copies the folder to a pst - i have one someone that would copy new items based on modified date, but copying the entire folder is faster.

You'd need to use a macro to back it up automatically.

>> I can automatically have a POP calendar to mirror my Exchange calendar?
As in copy the exchange calendar to calendar in the pop account's data file? You'll need to use a macro for that.

This macro copies the folder to a pst - i have one someone that would copy new items based on modified date, but copying the entire folder is faster.

The macro worked great!. This accomplishes my goal almost 100%. The macro does exactly what it you said but it still requires me to manually start the process. Is there a way that this macro could be started on a scheduled basis? The other macro that you have which only copies new calendar items might work out for me also if it just adds the new items to an existing PST file, so please point me to it (also like to know if it can be run on a scheduled basis).

Thanks so much for your help.
When the macro is executed, it creates the PST as you indicated. The PST file is then automatically added to Outlook and remains open. Is there a way to modify the macro so the newly created PST can be automatically closed?
Go to Outlook, then open the calendar and select the export option to backup the calender.
Not quite what you asked for but we use SynGene to do a one way sync from an Calendar (and contacts) to a Gmail account.

It does that every 20 minutes and it's a paid service
The macro that was suggested by Diane Poremsky above does a great job. I was hoping that she or someone else would tell me about automatically closing the PST file that was created.
I was not looking for mail backup but for calendar and contacts which the macro above does fine. I was hoping that someone would be able to tell me how I could modify the macro so that I could automatically have the PST file closed.
You'd use
RemoveStore pstname

before end sub (I should add that to the macro - thanks for the idea)
I tried adding it but got an error message

Macro Error.jpg
if i could read, i'd be dangerous - removing the pst is already in the macro - you need to uncomment it.

' remove the pst from the folder list
'objNS.RemoveStore (objFolder)

Set oPA = Nothing
Set objNS = Nothing
End Sub
Thanks for the additional information but it still does not work. See below, I would appreciate a little more help.
VBA error Message.jpg

Macro Error.jpg
grrrr..... a silly typo - no () around the store name

objNS.RemoveStore objFolder

Because it is using the last added store, it works. If you hover over the 'bad' code, you'll notice it uses the default pst name - yet the macro works because its still technically using the last pst. I initially thought that was the problem - until i fixed the name and it still failed.
grrrr..... a silly typo - no () around the store name

objNS.RemoveStore objFolder

Because it is using the last added store, it works. If you hover over the 'bad' code, you'll notice it uses the default pst name - yet the macro works because its still technically using the last pst. I initially thought that was the problem - until i fixed the name and it still failed.
View attachment 3081

Thanks that works fine.

I think you previously said that you had another macro which would add contacts and calendar items to an existing PST file rather than creating a new PST file each time. If you have that macro I would appreciate you proving a link
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