Google Calendar <> appearing as a duplicate entry

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Outlook version
Outlook 2019 32-bit
Email Account
Exchange Server
When an appointment is booked in Outlook, I see two appointments.

The first appointment is the actual appointment itself which is confirmed as I have Outlook set to automatically accept meeting requests.

The second appointment, shown at the same time, is the same information and comes from Google Calendar <>.

How do have Outlook not show the duplicate appointment from Google Calendar <>?
Do you have the google calendar synced with outlook? That should be the only reason you have two. If they are on the same calendar, a custom view to hide the google ones should work - or if separate calendars, don't display the google calendar.
Diane, thanks for the reply. The email account syncs with a server that uses the Exchange protocol. Outlook is also using CalDav Synchronizer that syncs Google calendars to Outlook. The main Outlook account is not a Google account. I'm not sure if CalDav Synchronizer plug-in is causing this issue.

The Google Calendar <> appears on my desktop. On my notebook, which also syncs to the same server, I do not see the Google Calendar <>.

Any additional insights are appreciated.
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