plain text

  1. J

    Outlook 365 Emails showing as links and text only

    One day I noticed all my emails are in a text format and images only appear as hyperlinks, Unsure of how this happened, I've tried to do some research and I know the security setting for plain text is NOT enabled
  2. S

    HTML to Plain Text Macro - Help

    Good Morning, I am using a macro that converts selected HTML emails into Plain Text, then prints them out. The macro works perfectly. I was wondering how i would add some code that would format the selected HTML email to the 'No Spacing' style before converting it into Plain Text. Condensing...
  3. M

    Outlook 2016 msg attachments

    Having an odd problem with Outlook 2016. I frequently save Outlook messages in the Windows 10 file system as msg files, formatted as html. If I double-click one of those messages, it appears in Outlook with full html formatting. However, if I attach the same msg file to another html email to...