Thanks for your efforts Christian.
I also installed KB961752 and it seemed to make it even worse.
I'd also be cerefull with KB961752 as I found at least one bug with it which
Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count will return 0 when you select
multiple items. So watch out!
"Christian" wrote:
> Hi
> This issue is not adressed in SP2. At least if what I've been told by MS is
> true.
> This hotfix http://support.microsoft.com/kb/961752 is supposedly
> Outlook's part of the SP2 release.
> I've tried it, it does not help much.
> I've been in contact with MS support and have given them both an example
> solution and also a video showing the issue. It does indeed appear to be a
> bug in Outlook. (The tech support guy certainly thinks it is anyway).
> I expect to hear from them again shortly with regards to what happens next.
> regards
> Christian
> " - " wrote:
> > I don't know of any workarounds, and I have no idea when SP will be
> > released.
> > You can download the new Outlook pre-SP2 cumulative updates that were
> > recently released, those should have much of what you can expect for the
> > Outlook changes for SP2 as far as I know, see
> > http://support.microsoft.com/kb/968009.
> > But SP2 might not fix the problem. Some MAPI events just don't fire if too
> > many changes are involved, for example ItemAdd/ItemChange/ItemRemove won't
> > fire if 16 or more items are affected at once. That's not caused by an
> > Outlook limit, it's an underlying MAPI limit where in those cases only a
> > folder_change event is fired.
> > > >
> >
> > "Nabil" <Nabil> wrote in message
> > news
> > > Thanks Ken,
> > > > I am creating a folder structue and all the folders subscribe to that
> > > event.
> > > I hope this does get sorted in SP2 as my project relies on this.
> > > > Do you know when it's coming out for certain than or are we just saying
> > > before the 1st of April?
> > > > Do you know of anyway around the above problem? Besides FolderChange,
> > > FolderAdd and FolderRemove as these run asynchronously and there's no way
> > > to
> > > predict the order that they will fire? I need to basically not allow
> > > folders
> > > to be moved within my folder structre i.e. when a folder is moved by the
> > > user, I need to move it back?
> > > > Your help is greatly appreciated.
> > > > Thanks once again
> > > > Nabil
> >
I also installed KB961752 and it seemed to make it even worse.
I'd also be cerefull with KB961752 as I found at least one bug with it which
Application.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Count will return 0 when you select
multiple items. So watch out!
"Christian" wrote:
> Hi
> This issue is not adressed in SP2. At least if what I've been told by MS is
> true.
> This hotfix http://support.microsoft.com/kb/961752 is supposedly
> Outlook's part of the SP2 release.
> I've tried it, it does not help much.
> I've been in contact with MS support and have given them both an example
> solution and also a video showing the issue. It does indeed appear to be a
> bug in Outlook. (The tech support guy certainly thinks it is anyway).
> I expect to hear from them again shortly with regards to what happens next.
> regards
> Christian
> " - " wrote:
> > I don't know of any workarounds, and I have no idea when SP will be
> > released.
> > You can download the new Outlook pre-SP2 cumulative updates that were
> > recently released, those should have much of what you can expect for the
> > Outlook changes for SP2 as far as I know, see
> > http://support.microsoft.com/kb/968009.
> > But SP2 might not fix the problem. Some MAPI events just don't fire if too
> > many changes are involved, for example ItemAdd/ItemChange/ItemRemove won't
> > fire if 16 or more items are affected at once. That's not caused by an
> > Outlook limit, it's an underlying MAPI limit where in those cases only a
> > folder_change event is fired.
> > > >
> >
> > "Nabil" <Nabil> wrote in message
> > news

> > > Thanks Ken,
> > > > I am creating a folder structue and all the folders subscribe to that
> > > event.
> > > I hope this does get sorted in SP2 as my project relies on this.
> > > > Do you know when it's coming out for certain than or are we just saying
> > > before the 1st of April?
> > > > Do you know of anyway around the above problem? Besides FolderChange,
> > > FolderAdd and FolderRemove as these run asynchronously and there's no way
> > > to
> > > predict the order that they will fire? I need to basically not allow
> > > folders
> > > to be moved within my folder structre i.e. when a folder is moved by the
> > > user, I need to move it back?
> > > > Your help is greatly appreciated.
> > > > Thanks once again
> > > > Nabil
> >