
  1. T

    Outlook 2013 Possible interference by Telstra ISP with Hotmail Password

    Visiting a relative in Perth Australia, my OL 2013 on my laptop keeps asking for the Hotmail password (it is MS Exchange mode as you know). However, there is NO issue with this account (the other 2 accounts, a POP3 and a Gmail IMAP are working fine), and I CAN successfully login via the...
  2. glnz

    How to retrieve or redo email password without affecting Outlook connection?

    I have a password problem. Please read: Background facts: I have been [myname] since 2004 or earlier when we first got DSL from Verizon. I'm still there even though I'm now on Verizon FIOS and aol took over all the email and there are always problems with my Outlook getting...
  3. R

    Outlook 2016 - How to change password in MS Exchange email client

    Recently I have configured OL2016 on my desktop computer as a Microsoft Exchange email client. It is the only computer used for email, I do not use mobile ones. To my surprise I cannot access the server settings under “Change Account” as I can for a POP or IMAP setting. This also implies that I...